Familiar Meeting Place

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"What?!" I turned and faced him, releasing myself from his grip. The hallway is now swarmed by students coming from the cafeteria. Lunch is over. We both stood there in silence waiting for the hoard to passed.

William? This doesn't add up, what did he do to be one of the list? Did he ever talk to Astrid?

"I was sent the email too" I feel his breath on my hair as he whispered so low when there's only few around us.

"What did it say? On the email?"

"Nothing just a video"

"No, I mean, I'm Susan Pevensie yours?"


I'm still heated by what just happened, I'm sure my face look like a red healthy tomato right now. "Why don't you just tell me instead of making a scene"

"Look at you, you're a mess Laurie. I don't want to get myself into anything, I tried to ignore it and act like the email didn't happen" he explained "but then you happened, I know you were in this too, since the day I received"

Was I'm that obvious? I was trying so hard to be unnoticed that day.

What reason William should be one of us, at least now I know who's Peter. We only left with Edmund the third child... ASHTON!!

"I'm sorry but I need to see Ashton" I didn't give him a chance to speak, but I managed to tell him "If you are Peter, he is Edmund"

"This is what I'm talking about- Hey Laurie!" he shouts, as I leaving.

"I'll see you after school, I promise this time" I completely ignored him ans went straight to the two door leading to the cafeteria. It was already empty but my luck Ashton is still there infront of his locker, he's cleaning it entirely. It almost empty.

"Hey," I approached the boy, this may be my first time talking to him.

He greeted me with a small nod, still working his hands all over the lockers and wipe it with wet wipes.

"So you know, I was at your house the other day, to visit my cat but you weren't there and your mom told me you're on a vacation" I tried to start a conversation, need a good first impression to a this boy.

"Yeah she told" he replied dryly.

I really need to make him engaged in this conversation so I can slide in the code somewhere, but he's just not having it, to busy emptying his locker which are now already empty, he's literally waiting for me if I'm done talking.

"Are you changing lockers or something?" I point awkwardly. It's just a two weeks break, no one bothered to empty their locker entirely.

"Not really. The vacation you said, this break we are not just going there for another vacation, my family is moving away. Today is like my last day... here... forever" he shrugged.

Oh, that's why the vet is closing soon, and that's why the house is all empty.

He look drained, not that I observed his face before but the way he sounded, dragging his words slowly, I've never talked to him before, not that i know if he normally sounds like that. I felt bad pressuring him to talk because if it was me, I would be so annoyed.

He already lifted his box full of stuff and trash. Shutting his locker. Waiting for me to end this shitty conversation.

"Ummm, okay then" I nodded my head and let him pass me, but inside I was mentally slapping myself.

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now