She's Back

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The walk at the park is beautiful, hand in hand, laughing about the stupid things we did years ago. It's been a while since I'm this happy. I don't want to let go, I'm talking about this moment and out intertwined hands. As cheesy as that sound I'm being genuinely honest. If there's a good guy out there I don't think they're any better than William and with that I shouldn't break his heart, not again.

He drive me home, walk me up my porch and I waved at him until he's out of sight, then I enter my house with the biggest smile I've ever wore, bigger than the picture from my locker. My dad was already sitting on his couch that has never been touched since he was gone, because I always in my room except for dinner and as you know mom is rarely home.

"DAD!!" I screamed excitedly, I wrapped my arm around his neck from behind. I miss him so much, it's been months.

He let down the newspaper and let out a chuckle. "Which side?" He asked. I look at him with confusion. "Which side is for the boy and which side for me?" He poke my left cheek.

"Shut up" I said walking to the kitchen. I can feel my mom burning smirk from the long sofa. I poured myself a glass of water, and gulp down to avoid conversation.

"Are you guys back together?" She finally asked.

I ran to the sink and spit all the water I drank out. "Mom!" I wiped my chin with the back of my hand. I never ever shared anything about my relationship or anything to my parents, they just happened to find out by themselves and today they found out quick.

"What? I'm just curious" she smile at the tv screen.

"What happened to your mirror?" Dad asked before mom could get her answer.

I threw the shattered pieces into a black trash bag, he must have found it because it's not garbage day yet. The trash bag is still hanging out by the driveway.

"It fell" I keep it short, to avoid them finding out I was lying. Putting the empty mug into the sink before running up the stairs. Halfway through I heard my dad yelled "Honey, we are not going to Hawaii this break, maybe next time, Okay?"

"Its okay" I replied and from the inside I'm thanking not just him but also the god.

Before I could continue my way up he added, "and I ate your candy"

Told you. I'm not surprised.

I went back to my normal routine, showered, not that I always do but I just felt like showering today. I went and sit on my bed, with my beloved laptop, on FaceTime, talking to my best friend about what happened today. About William. I told her everything. I'm surprised she wanted to hear me and didn't get bored.

After hours, I checked my phone to see Fiona's texts, I don't even bother opening it, because I saw William also sent me some, so I opened his.

William: Goodnight. I never felt satisfied to go to bed this early but tonight, I just can't wait for it to be tomorrow.

The bell rang loud that it pierced sharply into my hearing, I quickly went to my locker to exchange book only to find none of my book is there. My biggest nightmare is when I don't have textbook with me, means that I have to share, also mean I have to talk, that's just a lot of work.

I slam shut my locker to see William at his usual spot but he wasn't staring at me, he's not wearing his usual jacket instead he was wearing the same stripes sweater he wore at the detention. His eyes longing at the empty hall, when he turned to me he didn't smile, he didn't gave me the smile he always gave, he said "Forgetting something Laurie?" Then he turned back looking at the hallway, I followed his gaze to see an angry lion charging toward me across the hall.

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now