Laurie Petersen

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Hi! This is Laurie.

This whole book is our journey on how It started, from the day We found out Astrid's death to the day we went to Pennsylvania. This book is the dead girl last wish, and I accomplished on granting it. Not just by me but also my friends Fiona Lee, William Mayne and Freddie Hanning.

Who would have thought, you were reading the manuscript this whole time.

In this book we discovered that Astrid Hammer did not have the perfect life that I adore from afar, she was not happy with her surroundings and more on her deadly condition. She just couldn't find herself saying that she's not satisfied with the time given left for her to live. She probably forced herself to believe that she was ready to gave up on the world and greet the death but I know now there just something that she want but couldn't get out of her chest. But as we can see, I can help her with that.

Reminder, this book most importantly not about my dark battle with myself, Fiona's disability, William's heartbreak nor its not about Fred betrayal. It was purely about our journey on discovering and learning Astrid's life and getting the manuscript.

At the end of the day this is not our story. This is hers.

Thank you for reading.


A/N This is the end. It really took me a long time to put this all together, but still some part doesn't satisfy me. I will be on a cycle to edit all these chapters. By the time you decide to re-read it, something might change, but of course the story line remain fixed.

These three last chapters, I'm afraid it brings confusion, so I'm here to explain;

This book was written by Laurie Petersen. You have been reading the manuscript since the first sentence of the book. You've been reading it this whole time.

Thanks for all the votes and don't forget to share and tell your neighbors anutie to read this too. ❤️

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now