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"Fred" I said. I couldn't be more sure. Both William and Fiona had their face in confusion, so I repeated "Fred is the fourth person, he knews all along, he was the person who sent the video to us, not Ashton. It's him" I clarify, running my hand through my locks in frustration.

"That idiot!?" Fiona exclaimed, with a unintentional southern accent.

"Yeah, Lisa told me that Fred has been hanging out with Jessica. She's part of the IT club, that's when he sent the email to three of us. Do you noticed the remaining characters is Edmund Pevensie, he's kind of the outcast one, so Fred didn't work with us but he work for Astrid, that's why he always asked if I'm okay, whatsoever" I solved the problem.

"Oh my god, he's such an idiot" William groan. "Why would Astrid trust him on this kind of thing? Why would he do that to Astrid?" His jaw clenched, thinking of an answer.

"I think It was because of me" I admitted, "Yesterday, I snapped at him... Hard. That's probably why he released the video today" I don't regret pushing him off. He did nothing but getting on my nerves.

Minutes of discussion, we decide to scatter around the school and tries to find him. The school is still busy with the news and trying to find it, that everyone completely ignores the first class bell. Am I really like this when the the email first sent out to me? Chaotic and a mess? Probably.

"Have you seen Fred?" I asked Jessica, she is also on her phone, replaying the video she blindly emailed to us, only if she knew.

"Yes, he was here this morning" Her attention went straight back to the screen, I felt sick in my stomach. It literally took me nights to finally rewatching the video again, but look at her... not just her, the people around me is playing the same thing. This is not a game.

I really want to shout that there's no clue of where she hides the manuscript in the video, because it was not meant for you guys to find it. It was not meant to be seen by you all, it's too late now.

My phone vibrates for a good news and William name pop up.

Willam: I found him.

I rushed to the library, classic hiding place. It was up on the third floor and I haven't done cardio for awhile, so this is the only workout I'm getting this year.

I'm a little out of breath, William is already pinning him so he won't bolt away. I can hear Fiona's footsteps behind, she's also panting as if the oxygen only on this floor.

"If you have anything to say to me, say it" I threaten him. "Why would you do that? I know you're watching me, I know you know how much work I did to get here, even just to get them both on my side is a challenge" Fred just stood there, this is the first time he didn't respond when I talked to him, he usually get excited.

"Why even Astrid choose you?" Fiona asked, "You're an idiot" she spat.

"Did she give you something in return of the favor?" I asked, he didn't answer. His mouth shut in a thin line.

What is something that Fred have now? Think... think... RIGHT!

"She gave you my phone number didn't she?" Now I found out where he got it from. Fred is this type of guy who is the easiest person to be a sidekick, you gave him what he want and he is the most trustworthy person ever existed. I've done that, and he did a great job. We all know what he want, he's been obsessed with me.

"You always think about yourself" he finally speaks up, "You don't care what I feel. You used me, then throw me away like a rag doll"

I was about to respond before he cut me off.

"How about what William feel? What Fiona feel? you don't give a shit" he growls, "You don't care how much Fiona tries to forget the lost of her best friend when you force her into this" Fiona looked down.

"You don't care about William when he screaming on the lakeside while throwing your bracelets into it, after you left the party and now you take him back like it never happened" I can see William lossen his grip on Fred.

"I tried to get your attention since... years and that phone number is my upgrade but still you ignored me!" He yelled. "You hated me" The library went silent, there's no one around because everyone is too busy scraping Astrid's and even Ashton's lockers, everyone is looking for it. We are more than halfway of getting it until this bastard ruins it.

"Now I'm giving you the taste of how we all felt" he continued.

"Maybe you should know when to quit if the person is not interested in you" William said.

I sigh, "If you didn't realized Fred" I begin, "What you did, is that same thing as telling everyone a baby's gender when the baby's parents are planing a big baby gender party" I said. "But the baby aren't mine" Well that doesn't make sense.

"I'm not saying what I did to them was right, but Fred this is not my story, I didn't do this for myself. I did this in a request of a dead girl. You can't separate Astrid's truth from yours. Just because I hated you, you decided to ruined not just me but all of us including Astrid. You are the selfish one" I said, "and if you don't know I already seek forgiveness from them both, I think you should too Stalker" I emphasized on the last part.

"What should we do now?" Fiona asked.

"Pack our bags, we're going to Ashton... tonight" I said, "and you're coming with us" I pointed at Fred.


A/N New cover, who is this? We are seriously near the end. Vote and comment what you think about Fred... Thank you so much for reading.

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now