Dead Talking

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Laying on my fluffed bed. It felt so weird as if my brain is spinning around the room, not like a tornado but the same speed as the fan on the celling. Painfully slow, slightly creaking, just like today. I felt like today goes by slowly and so much going on. I want today just to be over.

".... ave passed away few days ago. She did not just make it to the top of the chart but she also named as one of the youngest bestselling authors out in the world at the moment..." My mom from the living room downstairs, turned the volume up, so loud that I can hear it clearly from my cramp small room upstairs.

"...Numbers of what known to be her building fanbase, pay a tribute by launching her book back at the top of the chart but sadly no new copy will ever be sign by her. Young angel leave the world by teaching us twice, that everything can happened unexpectedly weather it's death or fortune... You can get yourself a copy in w..w..w.. dot-" The voice cut off, followed by footsteps outside my room.

Mom peek her head into my slightly opened door, and when she saw me, slowly my door creaked open. She entered with my black and white siamese furry creatures inside his traveling carriage. His name is Happy, not because his always happy. I just thought that name will make him happier.

He's one of the stray cat we used to feed everyday back in Arizona. They always came back for food on our back garden. But one day, none of them came. None of them but only our little Happy. As days go by we realized that Happy didn't came back but he just never leave. Adopting Happy is the last thing I remembered my parents agreed on.

"I'm taking him off now, thought you wanted to say goodbye" mom said.

Happy have gotten an infection on his eyes, I believe Conjunctivitis is what it called, and today mom sending him off to the local vet that they always visited. He has been in and out the house lately. I've been felling lonely afterschool.

"Of course I do" I cooed, slowly unlocking his cage to let him out. Even though he never listen me, I still love him and I'm sure he does too. I doubt that he even understands english except for: "Happy, dinner!"

He curled up when I set him down on my lap, his eye is all watery and that's not normal.

"You know about the girl in the news," my mom started. "I heard she's someone from your school?" She added, not knowing that I had enough of it.

"Yeah, she used to be my writing partner... but not for long of course" I said. Writing partner I would like to call, We didn't even get to talk much before I stopped attending the club. She probably has to work alone on the project.

I kiss the top of Happy's head before putting him back in the cage. Mom had to go to work after sending Happy, so goodbye can't be long, not to be dramatic, but it's only going to make things hard.

"I don't really know her personally" I didn't lie. I really don't know much about her.

From my perspective, a view from close as a stranger. She's young, quiet and timid. She's the type of person that have to repeat herself because no one heard her the first time. She really have a small circle and I recognize them both. We sees each other more at the hallways than the writing club that we both attend. And that's basically it.

"It's so sad, I'm felt sorry for the-"

"Mom, Death is always sad" I didn't even let her finish, the topic was too devastating for discussion.

Manuscript by Astrid (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now