𝟬𝟮. a king's wish

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EVEN IF SOMEONE would claim that they have known you for decades, one would never be too sure of every thought the goes through your mind. In the most simplistic way they've tried to understand what was the cause of it all, four Magic Knight Captains were still at loss for words.

"D'you think someone possessed her or somethin'?" Yami asked, huffing out the smoke that came from his cigarette while scratching his head.

Nozel swiveled his hand in the air to rid of the smoke hovering towards his face, "Is that really what you think this is, foreigner?" he hissed.

One week ago, the girl was ideally fun and gratifying to be with, but as if she had an alternate version of herself hiding within her, she became easily irritated during the first day of the current week, clingy the second, emotional the third, and yesterday according to her parents; was in a state of pain.

Although they've seen her repeat such a behavioral pattern for the past few months, it only occurred to them that something was presently wrong if such became a cycle monthly.

They've also noticed her drastic altering— from what used to be an eloquent and modest girl, she now became uplifting, full of life and energy, seen here and there, or where help was needed.

William emerged to the group with a book in hand, opening it at a certain page and laying it flat on the table before them, "Don't tell me it's story time, Goldie." the Black Bulls captain mocked him as the masked man only smiled at his criticism.

The Crimson Lion captain clicked his tongue as he reads the text written on the book, finally catching up to what his fellow captain was pertaining to, "I see... it, erm" he coughed, ".. would make sense if this was the case." Vangeance nodded in acknowledgment at him, waiting for the other two to realize the rather concerning subject at hand.

"Oh." Nozel remarked, crossing both of his arms with his eyes closed, determining a way to make it up for snapping at the girl who was going through this.

"I don't get it." the three deadpanned at Yami's mental retardation.

William looked at him while sighing, "She's... having it." a long silence followed his words as Yami tried to absorb what he was referring to

"What do you mean it? oh,... Ohhh... crap." the man dropped his cigarette to the ground, crushing it with his feet while his mind sank into the depths of his cognitive processors that seemed to be mulfunctioning.

The sudden cravings for more cake and ice cream made sense, and more importantly, her mood swings made sense!

The sudden increase in mana presence awokened them from their trance, and there sat with a drink on her hand; Artemis, with her lips pursed into a pout while reading the book they were previously scanning, "Why is the human anatomy of a woman's body on the table out in the open, Captains?" they stiffened at her question, and gulped at the pitch of her voice.

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