𝟭𝟮. a game called guessing

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WHEN CHILDREN REACH the age of four, usually they were educated to name colors and shapes. Whereas Artemis was already taught various ways of approaching fellow nobles and royals of the higher gentry she was born into, whether she liked it or not, through the different types of discourses.

"Mama, am I doing it right?" a young Artemis asked her Mother.

"Of course, sweetheart. But you see... you have to pronounce the vowels softer so people would not misunderstand your greeting." August, her birth mother explained.

"Do Nozel and Fuegoleon know how to properly greet guests, Mama?" the green-haired child questioned while raising both of her arms with a stuffed toy in between them.

"Yes," August chuckled as she took her daughter to lift her to her lap, "But if it makes you feel better, you can practice with them."

"No! I don't want to be with that stuck-up Silva! He's so arrogant and rude and mean and he didn't even say hello to me during the banquet!" Artemis complained through gritted teeth while her mother merely smiled at her.

There were times, as her mother had told her, that a greeting was made to negotiate terms of businesses, to express gratitude, to extend warm greetings, and all other sorts.

But of course, communication of the oral arts had its deeper and darker shade of color.

Lady Kairos was never and has never been keen on the political side her husband divulged himself in. Particularly because even she knew it wasn't always a clean and pure profession.

Though Artemis' first mother, August, was well aware that no job was spotless as a newly washed spatula— given that she knows of the illegal trades happening in Clover since she was a Magic Knight Captain along with Acier before retiring as a full-time mother— politics was a different kind of dirty.

So, to prepare her daughter for the world, August gave a warning to Artemis.

That not all who greeted with a smile was a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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