𝟬𝟯. purpose

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ARTEMIS HAD A vision when she first met the four of her now closest friends. Seeing how well she was able to adapt and learn, one can easily conclude she was meant to become one of the greatest Magic Knights in Clover Kingdom, and yet his uncle ruined all of it in a single snap.

The girl knew then that the tyrannical and egocentric king would weave her life into the way he sees fit; if only she wasn't up for a fight, "If you think that going here may change my mind, then I shall be the first to inform you that you are absolutely wrong." the two male on both sides scoffed. One did for amusement, the other in agreement.

"I don't think you'll change your mind, but I believe seeing more of what there is to the world you are missing out on might help." the emphasis he placed on each word caused her to look at him who has been smiling warmly at her, "I suppose there is no harm in trying." she replied quickly and went ahead of the two.

"Must it really be here?" Nozel asked Fuegoleon, irritation visible in his tone, "The Wizard King is the one who suggested this place. He thinks it may help her remember a few things and I am with him in—"

The silver-haired captain, intrigued by the sudden not so negligible trip reason, raced towards Artemis who was already in front of the door, and patiently waited for them. "You know, for a lion and an eagle, both of you are terribly slow in walking." she remarked before knocking on the door.

A ripple of laughter like the droplets of water from the broken pipe hanging loosely above them came forth the door with several arguing from children. Sister Lily's mouth agape at the sight, "Lady Artemis? We thought you'd never visit us again!" All three of them rose their brows, 'again?'

"And—oH! Captains!" the startled expression Sister Lily held was not at all concealed, "I uhm, this way please." she bowed at the three who entered and closed the door behind them.

The dust that was caper in the air made the maiden sneeze, not that she was haughty and not used to spectackles of dirt, but because Yami made her realize her seemingly difficult allergy to the smell of his cigarette, causing her to sneeze for a week straight.

"I'm sorry! We usually clean every week, but the holes on the roof and the walls make it too easy for dirt and dust to welcome themselves." Sister Lily explained, slightly embarrassed at their situation, 

"Please do not apolo—gize!" she sneezed quietly like a little kitten, resulting to Fuegoleon becoming riant, "It just so happens that I've had a runny nose for a week now." a dust of pink at the girl's humbleness coated the nun's cheeks as she opened the door to reveal the children.

"OWO! It's ARTEMIS-SENPAIII!!! TACKLE HER!" a boy young boy yelled, pointing at Artemis as the other kids 'attacked' her into a big hug. Nozel and Fuegoleon could only watch in confusion.

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