New School ~ Chapter 1

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{James POV}

New school
New people
New building
New everything

I stood in-front of my new school.
I waited a few minutes before walking in. After getting my dorm key and a list with my classes I carried my luggage to the dorm area. (Small A/N, sorry. Idk how any of this works so bear with me) I looked at my room number on a small sticky note I was given. 'Room 145' wow. There must be lots of students for so many rooms. I noticed an elevator down the hall and walked up to it. There was a sign that read:
Floor 1: 1-50
Floor 2: 51-100
Floor 3: 101-150
Floor 4: 151-200

There really were a lot of dorms. Some of them must be empty. If there's 200 dorms and 2 students per dorm, that's... 400 students?! (Math with James ooh)'s kinda believable I guess. I pressed the button and a few seconds later the elevator door opened. I stepped inside and clicked on the button with a 3 on it. I waited till I got to my floor and stepped out into the open hallway when the doors opened. I wonder who i'll share a dorm with... oh I hope they're nice. I thought as I searched the hall for my number. 142.. 143.. 144.. ah! 145! I put the key in the lock and twisted it and opened the door to my dorm. There was a small area for things like coats, shoes, and other things near the entrance, a small kitchen to the right, a room with a TV, a couch, and a few chairs to the left, and strait ahead where what I'm guessing were the bedrooms. A light was on in the right one. I guess that must be my roommate? Just then I heard a voice coming from the room.

"Hello!" The person stepped out of their room. "I'm guessing you're my roommate. My name is Aaron. Nice to meet ya." I wave to him. He seems nice. Good for me.

"M-my name is James. James M-Madison." Ugh. Why to I always stutter when I'm nervous or when I meet new people? Oh well. Aaron smiled. "That's going to be you're room." He pointed to the bedroom to the left. I nodded and carried my luggage over to it. Aaron went back to his room and kept unpacking. I turned on my light and saw a bed in the corner, a closet against the wall, a few shelves, and a desk with a light against the wall closest to the door. Woah. This place is nice.

-Small time skip-

I had finished putting my stuff in the right places. My bed was made. I had some pictures on the shelves. And my clothes were in the closet. I sat down on my bed and pulled out the list of my classes. I remember someone at the front desk telling me classes didn't start till next week, so I was free til then. I looked at my classes.

Period 1: Art
Period 2: Science
Period 3: Math
Period 4: History
Period 5: Debate

Pretty good. I heard my stomach growl so I headed to the kitchen and looked as the food we had. I found a simple microwave meal and heated it up. After it was done I sat down on the couch in the other room to eat. I heard footsteps and look over to see Aaron walk to the kitchen. "You hungry as well?" I asked. He turned and chuckled, nodding.

Time skip

The free week had passed. I stayed in my dorm pretty much the whole time. Aaron was a good first friend. (Like one of those friends that will support you. Those are good friends.) I was on my way to my first class. Art. I liked art, a lot actually. When I got there the teacher explained how we could make anything we wanted, and that we should feel free to express ourselves. I loved this. I drew some patterns in my sketchbook. After a while the bell rang. Time for science. As I was headed down the hall I felt a push. I stayed quiet, thinking it was an accident. It wasn't.

"Hey!" Oh no... no no no... please please please don't tell me- "Remember me, loser?" I turned around. I knew it. Alexander. He attended the same school as me in elementary and middle school. He bullied me the whole time. After middle school, I thought I'd never see him again. But clearly, I was wrong. "Answer me, idiot!" I was trying not to shake in fear.

"Y-y-yes I remember you A-Alexander." I honestly was terrified right now. Obviously he used my stutter as a way to insult me. "Aw, you scared, stutter boy?" Yes I'm scared what do you think!? Just then we heard footsteps. A teacher walked around the corner and Alexander quietly grunted, whispering in my ear; "See you later, stutter boy." And with that he walked away. I slowly kept walking to my class. I know it sounds ridiculous but when he calls me that it really makes me upset...

I walked into my class. I was just on time. Phew. I looked around. Hey Aaron is in this class! I gave him a small wave. He returned it. I sat in a free seat near the back of the room.

Time skip
(Also another A/N: I know we haven't gotten to Thomas yet but we will soon, we will, trust me.)

After classes I told Aaron about Alex. He nodded and said he was there to talk if I needed it. I thanked him and headed to bed. I wasn't that hungry.

(Ok so I have some papers with the main plot (of what I have right now) and Thomas will be in the next chapter and me being me, I like writing. And staying up late. So I'll get to that really soon, maybe even post it tonight.)

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