What Was That? ~ Chapter 9

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{Peggy POV}

I looked across the room to Thomas and James. Just as I did I saw James' eyes widen, looking horrified, and hugging Thomas tightly. Awwwwww my ship! Thomas better hug back. And he did. Good. I smiled in satisfaction and turned back to the movie. (Peggy is the fandom in this fanfic I'm telling you guys..)

{James POV}

After a while we were at that T-Rex scene. The water was shaking in the cups in the movie.
"Tommy?" I looked up at Thomas.
He looked down at me. "Hm?"
"What's about to happen? Why are the cups shaking?" I asked quietly so I wouldn't interrupt anyone else.
"A T-Rex scene. It's scary." He held me tighter. T-Rex scene?!
The boy name's Tim looked through night vision glasses and looked to where the goat was.
The goat was gone.
All there was, was a dangling chain of which a goat was previously attached to as bait for the T-Rex.
"Where's the goat?" Tims sister, Lex said.
A goat leg slammed on the roof of the car. I closed my eyes and hugged Thomas higher as Lex screamed.

I opened one eyes and saw that the T-Rex was revealed. I looked at it. It was huge and scary.

I hugged Thomas tighter and slammed my eyes shut. I didn't want to see the T-Rex or the scary parts. Thomas held me tightly. "I won't let the T-Rex get you Jemmy." He whispered and smiled.
I heard a roar come from the TV and more screams. I didn't want to see it. I didn't want to hear it.
Thomas moved one of his arms off me and moved it. "Peggy." He whispered. Opened one eye and saw Peggy look over.
Thomas waved his hand in a 'come over here' way and Peggy stood and walked over.

"What is it?" She asked.
"Is it alright if we go to another room? I don't think James wants to see this." He looked down at me, I was shaking.
God no I don't want to see this!
"...Okay." Peggy replied and walked over to her chair, sitting down and looking from us to the screen.
Thomas helped me up and we walked out silently, trying to let the others watch this horrifying scene in.... 'peace'.
Thomas walked into his room and sat on the bed.
"Thanks Tommy." I said, sitting next to him.
"No problem Jemmy." He said, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

I felt a small shake.
"What was that?" I ask, looking up at Thomas.
"What was what?" He asked.
I felt another small shake. "That. That shake."
"...Maybe it's a large truck passing by?" He suggested slowly.
"No. It can't be." I say, thinking. The T-Rex scene popped in my head and I shivered.
I guess Thomas caught on to my thoughts. "There aren't any T-Rex's. And if there were, I'd kick their but if they went near you!" Thomas bluffed, punching the air and making small sound effects. "Pow! Wham!"
I giggled. Wait what. I giggled? Huh. Don't do that often.
I felt another shake and froze.
I heard the TV pause in the other room and I heard nervous speaking.
"Did you guys feel that?" Peggy asked.
"Yeah.. What was it?" Asked Maria.
"I don't know..." replied Angelica uncertainly.

Another shake.
"Ok what the heck." Said Burr. (Sir)
Theodosia began to speak. "There are a few things that could be happening." She explained.
"One, something could be going on outside of the building, like a truck, small construction, etc."
"Told you it might be." Whispered Thomas in my ear, clearly also overhearing the conversations in the other room. He stood and took my hand and walked to the doorway. I felt my face heat up slightly as I looked down at out hands together. Wait why is my face heating up? Am I blushing? Why am I blushing?!
(Ah, you smol precious bean, you will soon figure out.)

"Two," Theo continued, "A volcanic eruption which wouldn't happen we aren't near one at all.."
"Or Three," Theo stated her last possibility. "An earthquake."

I held Thomas' hand tighter and he looked down at me. I was terrified of earthquakes. I was terrified of a lot of things. And earthquakes is one of em.

"I think it's an earthquake. Maybe not a big one, but I still think it's that." Eliza commented.

I remembered something. "M-Maybe if you T-T-Turn on the TV I-I-I-it might say s-something about th-the quake if there i-is one." I stutter heavily as I suggested something. Peggy nodded and clicked the TV on to the News.
Sure enough, it was a small quake. And it wasn't over yet. Another shake, slightly larger than the last ones, stroke.

We listened to the TV. A news-lady was speaking into a microphone, every time a shake came she would try to keep standing straight.
"The quake started at about a 2.5 on the Richter Scale and is starting to elevate so about a 3.5 already."
(In school I'm studying quakes so I mean I gotta I'm sorry)

"Weak windows might crack, as well as dishes and plaster. Strong windows should withstand for now though. From where I stood I looked to the window in Thomas' room. No cracks. Then I noticed some cars rocking. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't like this.

Thomas held my hand tighter and I looked up at him.
"I won't let anything hurt you Alright Jem?" He said to me. I nodded and he hugged me.

(Aaaaaaah fliiiiip... its 2:50 am and I'm still awake. OH WELL TIME TO GET NO SLEEP AND WRITE CHAPTER 10-)

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