New Friends ~ Chapter 2

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{James POV}

-this is the next day right after Chapter 1-

I woke up to the alarm I had set on my phone. I opened my eyes slowly and turned it off. 2.
I got out of my bed drowsily and changed into a red t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my backpack and phone. I looked at the time. 7:58. Only 17 minutes to eat breakfast and run to my first class. I made a bowl of cereal, ate it in 5, and yelled bye to Aaron who was finishing his breakfast. I ran to my first class because it was on the farther side of campus. I got to my class and exhaustedly sat down and opened up my sketchbook and began to draw.

Time skip

The bell rang. I put my sketchbook in my backpack and headed for science.

The teacher explained we would do a group project and that it would be about anything science related that you're all interested in. She explained how we could chose our groups and that there would be 3 students per group. Me and Aaron paired up, thinking about who we should ask to be the last person in our group. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. I saw a girl with her hair in a messy ponytail wearing overalls with a floral pattern and a yellow t-shirt. "My name's Peggy. I was wondering if I could join your group...?"
She seems nice as well. "I'm James, this is Aaron, and sure, you can!"
Peggy smiled. After choosing what we were going to work on, we all exchanged phone numbers and decided on meeting up and me and Aaron's dorm to plan out what we were going to do. The bell rang. "Bye Aaron! Bye Peggy!" I called as I began walking down the hall.
"Bye James!" They said in unison.
I like friends. I thought to myself as I made my way to math.
Oof! I accidentally bumped into someone. "S-sorry about that!" I looked up. Oh wait- no... why did it have to be him again?
"You're darn right you're sorry, stutter boy!" Alexander growled. Everyone was exiting the hallway we were in to get to their classes. "Now watch where you're going!" He shoved me. I immediately fell to the ground. Alexander laughed and kicked me. "Get up, you pathetic little boy." I slowly tried to stand, but was punched in the arm in the process and fell again. Alex kicked me again before laughing and going off to class. After a minute or two I got up and slowly made my way to math.

I already knew I was late. I hurt all over and honestly thought I was going to throw up. I got to my classroom. I opened the door and everyone looked over to me. I saw a bruise on my arm and covered it with my hand, wishing I'd worn a long-sleeved shirt instead of a tee. The teacher spoke. "Why are you late, Mr. Madison?" Uh oh... what do I say? Why does everyone have to be staring at me?!

"I Uh... had to use the bathroom.." the teacher slowly nodded.
"Alright, now sit please." I did as he said. I put my arms on my desk and rested my head on them. After a few minutes I looked around the class and saw someone looking at me with concern. Oh god, I forgot about that bruise. I quickly covered it. The guy looking at me had this poofy hair and he was wearing a magenta shirt. After a few seconds he looked back to the teacher in the front of the room.
(A/N: eyyyyy u know who it isssssssssss! Told you he'd be in the 2nd chapter)

{Thomas POV}
I was doing a problem on my paper when the door opened. I looked up. This short guy walked in. I hadn't seen him before, probably cause I didn't pay attention much to the students in classes. The guy at the door looked around nervously. Kinda cute. I thought. I noticed a bruise on his arm. What happened to him? He seemed to have noticed it as well, seeing as he covered it.
"Why are you late, Mr. Madison?" The teacher asked him. Madison? Must be his last name. This teacher always calls everyone by their last name.
"I Uh... had to use the bathroom." The boy answered. Oh my god he's adorable!
The teacher nodded. "Alright, Sit now please."
He walked over and sat in his seat. It was actually pretty close to mine.
After a few minutes I looked back at him, he wasn't covering his bruise. Must have forgotten about it or something.
What happened to him? How did that happen?
I saw him turn his head and look at me in confusion. I looked at him only a few more seconds then looked back to the teacher. I hope he's okay.

After class I stopped at the door. I turned and saw him wincing in pain. He doesn't seem okay. I'll find a time to talk to him. I turned and left for lunch.

{James POV}
The bell rang
Math was over
I put my things in my bag, wincing a few times with the pain of the bruises I was given by Alexander. I saw that poofy haired guy stop hesitantly at the door and look back at me, then leave. Kinda odd, then again, he did see the bruise. I finished packing my things and headed out the door to lunch.

(A/N: heYyyYyYyyY I wrote this chapter within under an hour and I'm quite frankly surprised, I mean, I do love writing, what can I say, I just
Go with the flow. So anyways I hope you enjoyed!~)

{Jeffmads Fanfic} ~Turtlenecks~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora