Get The Popcorn ~ Chapter 8

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(A/N: sorry, about this, but oh my god- 70 READS?! Thank you so much!!!
Also, I made some art. It's a scene from the last chapter where James comes and stands near Thomas and Pegs is there like: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~

 It's a scene from the last chapter where James comes and stands near Thomas and Pegs is there like: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~

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I also have 1 more picture I did of just Peggy:

And just before we start, spoiler alert!The movie they will be watching is 'Jurassic Park', so if you haven't seen it, heads up!

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And just before we start, spoiler alert!
The movie they will be watching is 'Jurassic Park', so if you haven't seen it, heads up!

But anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

{James POV}

We were all sitting down in front of the TV.
Angelica and Maria were on one end of the couch sitting next to each other and I was sitting next to Thomas on the other end. Everyone else was sitting in chairs. We were arguing over what movie to watch. Well, at least, everyone else was. I was silent. All I wanted was for the yelling to stop. Honestly, why do you guys have to be so loud?! I guess Thomas saw me being frustrated and knew I had a headache because he shushed everyone and they turned to him.
"What?" Said Peggy, slightly annoyed. She then saw me and said "ohhhhh. Gotcha. Alright everyone let's be reasonable and talk like normal people." Everyone looked confused. Peggy never tried to be 'reasonable' or like a 'normal person'. She liked being unique, noisy, and loud.

Peggy sighed. "James has a headache." She said.
"Oh, sorry James." Everyone apologized. They began to talk in quieter tones.
Thank god that noise is over. I smiled.

They had decided on a movie. I had never seen it, it was called 'Jurassic Park'.
Eliza looked slightly nervous, she had said she and her sisters watched it before.
"Liz?" I whispered while everyone was grabbing their own plates from the kitchen to get the snacks they wanted. Me and her weren't hungry.
"Yeah?" She looked to me.
"What's this movie about?" I asked.
"Well, there's a place called Jurassic Park with real dinosaurs and different events happen along the way." She summed it up without spoiling it.
Dinosaurs? "Wait- is this like a horror film?" I asked her quietly.
"Oh no, I wouldn't say horror, it's not all scary. There are bits here and there, but there are still many happy moments as well." She explained.
"But there's still scary parts...?"
"Yep. Just a few."

Small time skip

Everyone was ready. Snacks distributed, everyone sitting, blankets, it was all set up. Peggy was making more popcorn because there wasn't enough for all of us. Eliza tapped Thomas on the shoulder and he turned. She whispered something in his ear and he looked at me and then looked back to Eliza and nodded.

{Thomas POV}

(I know you all wanna know what she said)

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned. Eliza whispered in my ear. "James is a little afraid, I told him there were scary parts in this movie and tried to tell him there were only a few pieces, but there are still a lot of scary scenes. Just know this and try to comfort him if he is scared. I know you're one of his best friends."
I turned to look at James, then back to Eliza, nodding in understanding.

{James POV}

Peggy brought over a lot of popcorn. She poured a bowl for each of us and handed one over to each person. Afterwards she ran and turned off the lights, running back and plopping down on her chair, grabbing the remote. She turned the Tv on and went to the movie. I looked at the cover picture. It looked kinda cool.
"You all ready?" Peggy said excitedly, not waiting for an answer and pressing the play button.
The movie began.

Leaves were shaking. What's making them move? I didn't like scary movies. I was always terrified of them. Whenever anything would happen I would be nervous. (Hey guys this is me- also the next scene that's about to be played.... happened to me.)
Ok what the heck is behind those leaves?! I got nervous.
I saw something coming out. Shiz what is it- oh... it's... a box.. I was scared... of a box...
(Yes. This is what happened to me when I watched the fliPPiN mOviE-)

They lowered the box onto a platform. What's inside that...? I wondered silently.
A guy climbed a ladder and lifted a gate. The camera went to a dinosaur running. "What dinosaur is that Thomas?" I whispered.
"I think it's a... velociraptor." He responded. I nodded and looked back to the screen. The box moved back. I jumped a little at the sudden movement. People crowded trying to move the box back. A guy got tugged on by the raptor. My eyes widened. A guy tried to help him and the guy who was being pulled looked terrified. So did I. I hated this already.

"Shoot her!" The man who was trying to help the other guy yelled. His hand began to slip.
"Shoot her!" He repeated and the guy's hand slipped into the cage. I was so scared that I dove and hugged the thing closest to me and shut my eyes as hard as I could.

{Thomas POV}

"Shoot her!" A guy yelled. I kept watching. I had seen this movie before, it was a few years ago though.
"Shoot her!" He repeated. My eyes widened as I felt something grab me. I looked down and say James hugging me as tight as he could. He looked terrified. I hugged him back and whispered.
"It's okay Jemmy... it will all be okay..." I tried to comfort him.
(Guys James is like me when I watch this, idk why but I'm always terrified of scary movies and of course I always watch them alone even though I don't want to.)
The noise got quiet. I felt James loosen up a bit. I grabbed a blanket and laid it over him. He snuggled it. He's adorable.

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