Please Dont Hurt Me ~ Chapter 4

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{Thomas POV}

I leave history class and head to debate. I walk down the hall and around the corner and bam I'm there. I walk in and put my stuff down. I look to the teacher, Mr. Washington, and ask if I may use the restroom. He says yes, and I go to freshen up because I'm tired from staying up all night reading.
(A/N: Like me reading fanfics)

I get there and splash a little water on my face. I'm good. I walk back to class to see almost everyone there by now. I scan the room. Some people I know, some people I've only heard the name of or have seen them.
Aaron Burr... Alexander Hamilton.. ugh... a few others and in the corner- James? I guess he takes this class too. I realize this is my chance to ask him how he got that bruise. As I'm about to pick up my stuff to move, I see him glance at Alexander and sink back in his seat, slightly terrified. I swear if Hamilton did anything to him..
I walk over and sit down. He looks at me confused. "I'm Thomas. Thomas Jefferson." I reach my hand out. He opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt. "I know you. You're James Madison." He looks at me with one of those 'what the heck how' faces. Haha.. that's adorable. "I sat next to you in history. The teacher said your name."
"Ohhhhhh... that's right, she did." He said with a moment of realization. He shakes my hand. Now I can ask him. "So I Uh... saw you had a bruise on your arm that you were trying to cover up. What happened to it?" I whispered.
He sweats a little. "Oh that... um... i just.. fell.. yeah.... I'm clumsy."
Don't know if I believe it, but if that's what he says, than okay.
"Well I hope you get better."
"Thanks Thomas."

{James POV}

I walk down the hall to 5th period staring at the floor but still aware of where I was going. Alex slightly pushed me when he walked by. "See you in class, stutter boy." Oh god no. Please don't tell me we're in the same class. When I get there I see him. Dang ittttttt...
I quietly begin to walk to a seat in the corner. While I'm on my way Alex gave me a small shove and I almost fell but I caught myself and moved faster to my seat. I sat down and sighed. I looked at Alexander. He really scared me. I sunk into my seat a little bit. I hear footsteps move across the room and someone sits next to me. I look up in confusion. Hey it's that poofy haired guy!
"I'm Thomas. Thomas Jefferson." He introduces himself and holds out his hand. I open my mouth to introduce myself when he interrupts. "I know you. You're James Madison." Oh my god how the heck does he know my name what's going on?!
"I sat next to you in history. The teacher said your name."
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh" now it made sense. "That's right she did."
I shake his hand.
"So I Uh... saw you had a bruise on your arm that you were trying to cover up." He whispered.
Crap... crap.. crap crap crap, he saw.
"Oh that... um... I just... fell.. yeah... I'm clumsy." Well I wasn't lying about being clumsy, but the rest of it was a lie.
He had a look of suspicion on his face but he accepted my answer.
"Well I hope you get better."
So nice...
"Thanks Thomas."

Time skip

I didn't know him that well, but Thomas was a pretty good guy! Period 5 ended and I had just gotten outside when I was pushed from behind and fell onto the concrete. After a few moments I tried to sit up. I had scrapes all over. I looked up. Of course ... Alexander.
"Please don't h-hurt me." I mumbled, holding back tears.
"What was that, you were too quiet, stutter boy."
I gulped. "P-please don't hurt m-me, A-A-Alexander."
He laughed a little.
"We both know that's not going to happen." Alex said and he kicked me.
I screamed in pain.
Crap. I screamed. Now somebody's gonna know.
Alexander growled and kicked me again.
I squeaked in pain. He chuckled and kept kicking me. I was curled up now quietly crying. Then I heard the door open and the kicking stopped. I opened my eyes and looked over slightly.
I saw Alexander glaring at... Thomas? Why is he here?
Thomas glared back at Alexander. Why does he care?
Alexander looked back at me. "Hey pathetic stutter boy, look who came."
"Don't call him that." Thomas growled.
"Why not? That seems to be all he does." Alexander turned back to me. I curled up tighter.
"That's not true." Thomas said.
"Then what can he do, huh?" Alexander taunted. He's gonna use this against me...
"Many things, and he's very good at them. So shut up, and walk away." Thomas threatened. Why does Thomas even bother trying to protect me? I barely even know him...
"Okay, if you wish." Alexander said. Wait what? "But I would like to say goodbye to James first." Ok what- he kicked me. "Ow!" That makes more sense.
By this point I was crying. Quietly, but crying. Then I heard something i'd never heard before.
"Ouch! What the heck!?" Alexander yelled.
"Stop. Bullying. James." Thomas growled and punched Alex.
Alexander huffed and walked away.
I heard Thomas run over to me. "Are you okay!? Here let me help you." He helped me stand. I was trying to stop crying but he noticed before I could. "Here lets go to your dorm and get you all comfy okay?"
"O-okay..." I didn't care if I stuttered anymore. I just wanted to go home. Thomas walked me back and I got out my dorm key and sat on the couch, Thomas sitting next to me. I wrapped myself in a blanket. Aaron peeked his head out of his room. "Who's this James?" He asked.
"I'm Thomas. James was being bullied by Alexander and I helped him." He explained. Aaron nodded.
"I'm Aaron, James' roommate. Thanks for helping him." Aaron went back in his room and Thomas went to get me food. A few minutes later he came back with (you know what it is) Mac and cheese. He handed it to me and I started eating. He chuckled a bit. What? I realized I had cheese all over my face. Oh I'm messy. Geez.
Thomas smiled. I like friends. I finished my food and yawned. Thomas put his number in my phone and gave it back to me. "You should rest now." He said and stood. I nodded and stood too. I gave him a hug. "Thanks for helping me." He hugged me back. "You're welcome James, anytime."
Soon Thomas left and I flopped on my bed and before I knew it, I was asleep.

{Thomas POV}

I walked through the halls. It was the end of the day. I was ready to get to my dorm and rest. As I was about to turn a corner, I heard I scream. What?! Wait.. I recognize that voice... JAMES!!! I sprinted in the direction of the scream. I looked through the glass door at the entrance of the building and saw James on the ground and Alexander near him, kicking him. How dare he hurt him. I ran over and opened the door, stepping outside. I glared at Alexander, who turned to look at me. Alexander looked back at James.
"Hey pathetic stutter boy, look who came." I was enraged.
"Don't call him that." I growled.
"Why not? That seems to be all he does." Alexander turned back to James. That was not true, and how dare Alexander even say that. "That's not true." I repeated my thoughts aloud.
"Than what can he do, huh?" Alexander asked. I knew he was going to try to use the information against James. "Many things, and he's very good at them. So shut up, and walk away."
"Okay, if you wish." Alex said. This is going somewhere. He isn't nice. "But I would like to say goodbye to James first." He walked over, and he kicked him. He kicked James. "Ow!" James squeaked.
I heard James crying. That's it. I'm done with this. I walked over, and I punched Alexander.
"Ouch! What the heck!" Alex yelled.
"Don't. Bully. James." I punched him again and he huffed and walked away. I ran to James.
"Are you okay!? Here let me help you." I reached my hand out and helped him stand. I saw him crying still and I saw bruises everywhere. I hate Alexander.
"Here lets go to your dorm and get you all comfy okay?" I offered.
"O-okay." I don't know why Alex made fun of his stutter. Honestly I thought it was cute. I walked James back to his dorm. He unlocked the door and opened it, sitting on the couch and wrapping himself in a blanket. I sat down next to him. I heard a voice from behind me.
"Who's this James?" I turned to see someone standing outside of a bedroom.
"I'm Thomas. James was being bullied by Alexander and I helped him." I explained. The guy nodded.
"I'm Aaron, James' roommate. Thanks for helping him." Aaron said and went back into his room. I went to the kitchen to get James food. I looked through the cabinets. I saw a microwave Mac n cheese meal. Ooh! I love this stuff! James seems to like it as well then, I'll make him some.
After a while it was done and I walked back over and gave it to James. He started eating.
I saw him getting some of the cheese on his face and chuckled a little. James looked at me confused, then realized, looking slightly embarrassed. I smiled. James finished his food and I put my number in his phone. I then got my own and set up a contact for James.
Name: _______
I just thought of a nickname.
Name: Jemmy
Ha. I have done well.
I put my phone in my pocket and handed James back his. "You should rest now." I suggested to James as I stood. He nodded and stood up as well.
Then, he hugged me. Oh my god. I was having this mini party inside my head. Wait, why was I? Huh... oh well.
"Thanks for helping me." James said. I hugged him back. "You're welcome James. Anytime."
After a minute I left the dorm as James headed for his room. I just had an idea.

(A/N: OOOOOH WHATS IT GONNA BE?! You'll find out in the next chapter. To fit more in a chapter I'm gonna go back to mainly one POV per chapter but I'll still do some where we switch back and forth. Anyways, hope you liked it!)

( 1842 words. Geez.)

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