Plan A ~ Chapter 12

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(Oh my god thank you guys so much for 158 reads!
Hope you enjoy!
I mean of course there's something amazing in this chapter-)

{Peggy POV}

We arrived at the carnival. I stopped the car, opened the door and hopped out, closing it behind me. I saw Thomas open the door for James.

"Jeffmads is real...." I whispered under my breath.

"Did you say something Pegs?" Thomas looked at me and tilted his head as he asked.

"Uh no. I did not." I squeaked. We walked to the entrance.

"Three tickets please." Thomas asked the person behind the counter. She nodded and began to print them.

"That'll be $6. You each give your tickets to the person over there after you get through the line." She pointed to a line that only had five people. Shouldn't take long. Thomas handed her 6 dollars and took our tickets. He handed one to me and one to James and we walked over to the line.

After only a few seconds we were next.

"Tickets please." There was a guy collecting the tickets. I think iv'e seen him around school.. maybe... I dunno. I handed him my ticket, he took it out of my hand and put it in a bucket. Why do they have ticket cycles if they're just going to take em like 5 minutes later. Why not just pay upfront and enter huh? My thoughts were interrupted when Thomas handed the guy his ticket.

Still, why a ticket system?

James handed the guy his ticket last. The guy smiled at James. "Have a nice time!"

okayokayokayokay I swear I just saw Thomas slightly glare at him and nudge closer to James. F***ing. Jeffmads. Confirmed.

We walked in and stood in a small cluster staring at all the games and rides and lights.

"This is flippin cool, I gotta admit." James mumbled. Thomas chuckled.

"Heck yeah it is!" I exclaimed loudly. I saw someone look at me and laugh a little. Ah, yes, I have made someone laugh. Its practically my job. No, wait, annoying Thomas is my job, making people laugh is just my hobby. ha.

I saw James and Thomas holding hands.
Ohmygod that's adorable!
I think I may have squeaked a bit.
I saw James look at the crowd and his grip on Thomas' hand tightened.
"Ok! Let's go... there first!" I pointed to a ring toss stand, then, I grabbed Thomas' wrist and ran, because Thomas was holding James' hand, he got pulled along too. Perfect plan, now I can take them wherever I want- YES!
We played ring toss, none of us won.
I played another round and won a really small yellow teddy bear.
Who cares if it's small it's yellow and amazing.

Eliza ran over to us and panted when she reached us.
Plan A go!
"What is it Eliza?" I asked, pretending not to know.
"I just remembered we have a project due in three days Peggy!" She exclaimed.
I pretended to look shocked. "What?! Ok ok ok we have to work on it!" I then turned to Thomas and James.
"I gotta go, you guys can stay here and have fun. Here's my keys Thomas, you guys can drive back whenever you want,"
I threw my keys at Thomas and he just barely caught them.
"Bye!" I yelled and ran. I heard them call after me.
"Bye Peggy!" said James.
"Au revoir!" Tomas yelled.
When me and Eliza went around a stand where they couldn't see us we waited.

When they moved, we would stay hidden and watch, because, it may be weird, but we want the Jeffmads ya know.

{Thomas POV}

After we had been abandoned by Pegs we started walking around, playing a few games and all. After a while we decided to go on some rides. I watched him go on the giant merry-go-round, he was adorable.
Then we eventually found ourselves in front of the Ferris Wheel.
"You wanna do it Jemmy?" I asked him. I wasn't gonna make him do something he didn't want to.
"...sure why not?" James replied with a shrug.
"Ok." I took his hand again and we walked into the line. After 3 minutes we got into one of the things and were going around slowly.
When we were almost to the top I looked over and saw James staring at the stars. He looked amazed at how beautiful the sky was.
"Pretty ain't it?" I asked.
"Mhm." He nodded.
"I uh.. wanna say something." I got nervous and my stomach churned.
"Yeah?" James looked from the sky to me.
Just do it just do it just do it-
"I... love... Mac n cheese."

{James POV}

I looked at Thomas.
"I.. love... Mac n cheese."
My heart sank
Why though?
Oh I know, because I thought he was gonna say he loved me?
Yeah I'm just stupid.
"I know, you have it like every day." I managed to speak. I saw Thomas sweating a lot.
"How are you sweating it's like zero degrees." I asked jokingly.
"I dunno." He shrugged and sweated more. Was he nervous? Why would he be?

"James I..." He began and looked like he didn't want to say anything.
"You can tell me anything." I reassured him.
"Jemmy... what I meant to really say was... I... I love you!"


I woke up at like 5 am

Oh well)

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