Time For The Mall ~ Chapter 5

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{Thomas POV}

I pulled my car up to the mall. I got out and locked it, walking inside. I had an idea earlier today to but James a nice sweater, since he seemed cold and wanted to hide the bruises from others so they didn't worry. I walked into a random store and looked at different sweaters. After a while I saw this gray and yellow striped turtleneck sweater. He might like this. I guessed his shirt size and took the right one. I looked around a little more, spotting another turtleneck sweater that was the color lavender. Oh my god it's perfect for me. I grabbed my size. Hey we can be like turtleneck sweater buddies.
(A/N: if you don't know what a turtleneck sweater is, it's like a normal sweater but it goes kinda up your neck to keep it warm as well. Idk I can't explain stuff, look it up- hA *dies in a hole*)
I checked out and got back to my dorm on floor 2, room 56. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote on it:
'To Jemmy, From Thomas'
I put the sticky note on the sweater and put my lavender one on my bed and headed to the door. My roommate, Peggy, jumped off the couch and ran to me.
(Peggy, friend to all, yEs)
"What's that?" She asked, trying to see the sweater. She was nosey.
"Just something for a friend." I pulled it out of her view, teasing her.
Peggy huffed and kept trying to see it. Somehow she snatched it from my hands.
"Jemmy? Who's Jemmy?" She looked at me.
"It's a nickname for a friend." I said simply.
"Hmmmm..." She was trying to figure out who, I'm guessing. "Sounds kinda like James. Do you know James? James Madison?" She asked.
"How did you know?!" I asked.
"Eh, I just do sometimes. I know James. He's in one of my classes and he's one of my friends as well!" She told me.
I nodded and got the sweater back. "I'll get this to him then." I said turning for the door.
"Okay." Peggy said, sitting back down on the couch and turning on the TV. I left and went to the elevator. I stepped in and pressed the button that would take me to floor 3. Once I got to James dorm I knocked lightly. After a few seconds Aaron opened it. I'm assuming James fell asleep.
"Thomas?" Aaron looked surprised. "Back already?" I nodded.
"I got something for James, you know, cause of the whole Alexander situation." I explained. Aaron nodded in understanding.
"Come in," He opened the door wider and I walked in. "James is asleep, so you can set it on the table outside his door." I was right! I walked over and set it down.
"While I'm here, can we exchange phone numbers?" I asked. Aaron shrugged and we gave our phones to each other, put our numbers in, and handed them back. "Thanks." I said.
"So how's life, Thomas?" Aaron asked.
"Other than Alex being annoying, pretty good." I responded. Aaron chuckled. "How 'bout you?"
"It's okay. There's a girl I like. Her name's Theodosia." He tells me. Huh, I think I heard her name somewhere. "Anyways, do you know Peggy? I didn't tell her I liked Theo but she seems to already have caught on." He laughed a little.
"Yeah I know Pegs. She's my roommate." I responded.
"Oh, good luck Thomas. She's nosey." Aaron joked.
"I know right! She won't let me leave the dorm without asking me what I'm doing!"
We talked for a good 5 minutes before Aaron had to go, so I decided to leave too. Right as I opened the door to my dorm, Peggy hopped off the couch, the TV still on, and ran over, almost hitting the wall.
"So what happened?! Did he like it?" She asked quickly.
"Calm yourself! Geez!" I laughed. "James was asleep so I put it down on a table near his room and chatted with Aaron a bit."
"Cool beans." Peggy replied.

(Cool beans. That's a good place to end off my short chapter. Well I gotta go somewhere. Kinda like Aaron. Well bYE gUys)

{Jeffmads Fanfic} ~Turtlenecks~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ