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Three weeks later, John Thornton sat in his home speaking to the other men at his annual Masters Dinner. After having a very long talk with his brother-in-law about his sister, his mood was most foul. Watson, of course, denied ever laying a hand on Fanny. Yet, Thornton believed Alexandria over his own brother-in-law. He was unsure of what to do now. John Thornton was not a man that liked uncertainties in his world.

He hadn't seen Alexandria Copeland since the dinner party. Originally, he hadn't desired to speak to Alex after finding out her virginity was gone. Not because it bothered him but because his jealousy ran deep for the man that deflowered the pretty doctor. Part of it thrilled him. He wouldn't lie to himself. She, most likely, would not be a woman that was frightened by relations. Actually, he was fairly certain that there was little that actually frightened her. Now, she was all he could think of.

She would not be a proper wife for a man of his station, John understood this. God in heaven, he wanted her in his bed desperately. Could he come to terms with what he wanted and what he needed? John wasn't certain he could.

The familiar scowl he sported most of the time had returned to his handsome visage. It deepened further when he thought of the pretty doctor. She was far too independent for a man like him. Women were to make a man's life comfortable. Oh she would in the privacy of their marriage bed, for that he was certain. The rest of the time? She would bring down his status amongst the other masters considerably. Women of their class didn't work, outside of rearing the children. Even that was mostly handled by nurses and nannies.

Yet, the night of the party at the Slickson's, she had looked so very beautiful. There was not another woman that could compare to her in Milton. He was certain of that. It wasn't just her beauty either. She was an intelligent, strong, and witty woman. He was certain she would hold her own with any man. He had no idea how prophetic that thought was about to become.

Watson, Thornton's brother in law, said something. "Hamper old man! So how did you get that bruise on your cheek? It looks as if you have been boxing."

Thornton looked over, there indeed was a large dark bruise along the man's cheek. He hadn't noticed until now, so lost in thought he was.

"One of my hands had an accident, dislocated his shoulder and broke his arm. I had to take him to the lady doctor to get fixed up."

"My god man! He did this to you?" Slickson exclaimed. "Why did you not have him arrested?"

"No, no, no. It wasn't the hand but that lady doctor. She is a pretty thing. I thought about setting her up in some special place."

"Hamper, you are a bloody fool." Thornton scowled. The thought of Hamper touching Alexandria in such an intimate way infuriated him.

"A man has to do what a man has to do!" Hamper laughed. "She turned me down right quick. So when the hand was resting from whatever she gave him, I was a bit friendlier with her. The woman didn't take too kindly to that and let me tell you boys, she packs a mean left hook."

All the men laughed loudly, except for John.

Slickson smacked Hamper on the back with a grin. "I have to admit I tried to get her skirts up myself. At least my bruise was unseen by anyone but myself! She busted me a good one and I couldn't even see my mistress for a week after that!"

Slickson and the rest laughed once more.

"Gentlemen, what if I told you that I had success with the lady?" Watson looked smug.

"Careful Watson, your brother-in-law is seated next to you." Hamper grinned at John, who was seething. "You actually got her to give you a little something?"

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