Chapter 2

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1 year earlier:

It was a warm day, the sun was shinning, and Molly was flirting with me. Nothing could have been better, except if her and I kissed.

I could feel my face getting hotter as she made jokes and laughed. She's adorable when she smiles, especially when she's blushing.

I had found myself slowly drifting away from our conversation and dazing off at her beauty. The dimples that formed on her face, her cheeks tinted a light red, her long, dark brown hair that she would play around with every now and then, the way she bit her lip while I talked. I was definitely in a daze.

"What do you think?" I heard Molly ask me but it didn't register to me at first.

"Sounds...great...." I responded trying to regain my normal state of mind. I fought away my feelings and became normal Axel again.

"Really?!" She said surprised.


"I didn't think you would say yes." She said, her face even more red than before. She was practically trying not to freak out now.

I just played along with it but I was kinda concerned as to what I had agreed to, "Well I did."

"Yeah... So how's Friday night?" She asked.

"For what?" I asked back.

She looked at me funny and then answered, "Our date..."

That caught my attention completely. A date...with Molly Hart.... How?, "oh...ha ha... that..."

"Yeah so hows Friday night?"

"Sure, how about 7." I asked, finally catching up with the conversation.

"Cool." She smiled at me with those longing, blue eyes. I don't think she ever noticed that it was completely obvious to the world that she liked me. That's what I liked the most about her, even if the whole world was watching she would still be herself.

Just then the bell rang and our 7th period class ended. Lunch was the only period we had together, there were some days I would spend the whole period with her and most days I wouldn't even talk to her at all, much less spend time with her. I didn't want to make it obvious how I really felt. Although, I honestly should have.

Molly had English and I had PE and they were in the same direction down the hall. We walked  out of the music suite and down the hall together in silence.

"Yo Axel!!" A voice called out. I turned around to see who it was. Matthew Swayer, one of my friends. He was okay but I mean, I'm not really in a friend group, I kinda just hang out with whoever. Except for the people who hate me or I hate them.

"Sup dude." I said and turned around to face him.

I looked behind me quickly and caught one last glimpse of Molly walking up the stairs a little disappointed that I chose Mathew over her.

I should have said hi and just kept walking on with Molly but I didn't. Maybe that was the downfall of our relationship. Maybe it wasn't just about the gang and the money and the gun.

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