Chapter 11

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"Your first job will be to deliver this backpack to this address." Jake handed me a slip of paper with an address on it and a backpack that was full. He seemed thrilled to have someone other than the usual to victimize. I had figured he was just a guy who liked girls and that was it but to my surprise, he also carried a knife around and stabbed people and threatened them. It was like one of the crime scene movies on TV. Except this definitely wasn't a movie or a TV show.

I unzipped the front zipper and looked was filled with a whole bunch of drugs and needles...I couldn't do this! I could never support the act of taking drugs, I only did it once and it was because of peer pressure. I hated it, I didn't want anything to do with drugs ever again. Now, I was faced with the hard decision between going against what I believed or protecting Molly.

"Well, get going!" Jake yelled after a minute. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and picked up the backpack that weighed a ton.

I had no idea where I was now which made this whole thing even harder than it already had been. I walked to a door that looked like it would lead outside.

I had no clue where to start and where to end. This was all so confusing and scary. I had never thought that I would be in a position like this. I turned around, "What road is this?"

"Lenox street." He said without turning around to look at me. His face was half lit by the light and a shadow was formed across it.

Luckily I knew exactly where I was headed now. I grabbed the heavy bag and began the long walk.


By the time I got onto the block that the house I was delivering to, my feet were aching, legs sore, and sweat dripped down my face.

I looked back down at the paper that I was given, a few houses down and I would reach my destination, then all of this would be over. Molly and I would be happy again and I would have saved her from a terrible fate. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of a huge mess.

I rang the doorbell to the house, now panicking. What if this was someone I knew, what if they recognized me, what if the rumor spread that I was a drug seller? I would be even more of a joke than I already was. No one would trust me, everyone would look at me with disgust.

I pulled up my hood to hide my face, just in case. The door opened and an old man with an angry look on his face stared down at me, "What do you want?"

I held out the bag and, as soon as he took it, I ran off, not wanting the conversation to last any longer, not wanting anything else to do with this nightmare.

I ran all the way back to my house, scared of whatever would happen next. I figured my parents would be worried that I hadn't said a thing to them in about a whole night.

The sun was just coming up, slowly the stars faded away and the bright orange and pink took over the sky. Bird sang in the trees, the ground and leaves were wet from the morning dew. It would have been a beautiful, peaceful, placid morning if it wasn't for the events that had occurred that night.

I still hadn't stopped running, my breathing was getting heavy and my eyesight started to blur. I was tired, exhausted, famished and parched, and running at dawn, the options that I had were scarce, I could keep running for no reason, just run from what I had just done, or I could stop and fall to the ground right here and go to sleep, hoping a friendly face would find me and bring me home. The second option seemed like the reasonable one but I kept running, running, running, hoping to make it home.

I didn't make it though, I collapsed to the ground before I even got to my street.

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