Chapter 5

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"Let's just get straight to the point." I said to him ignoring his question, "I don't like you and I don't like the way you have been treating Molly."

Jake laughed a little, trying to break the tension and avoid the conversation, "What? you don't like me flirting with her. Last I checked she didn't have a boyfriend. So stay out of stuff that has nothing to do with you."

I smirked a little, coming up with the perfect lie. , "Oh but you see, I am her boyfriend. We just recently started dating."

"Yeah right." He didn't fall for it like I expected him to.

"Fine but I'm a close friend and I'm the one who looks out for her. I am asking you nicely to leave her alone. Now I suggest you listen." I said staring straight into his eyes.

"Or what?" He said still smirking a little. He wasn't scared of me, he was so confident in himself.

So I stepped forward and punched him right in the nose. I was nice, considering how lightly I hit him. I could have hit a whole lot harder if I wanted to.

Despite the light hit, his nose was bleeding and he held his hand up to it. When he looked down at his hand he saw blood dripping off of it.

Then it was complete chaos. He punched me back in the face, and I punch him in the stomach twice. He swung a hand around my head but I blocked it before it got to my ear. He threw another punch to my stomach. His fist went right into my solar plexus and knocked the air out of me. I clutched my stomach, gasping for air. He didn't let up at that point, he threw another punch to my gut and I fell over.

There was nothing I could do. I felt completely weak, like all of my confidence had been sucked out of me, along with the air. I felt as if I had failed, at teaching Jake a lesson and protecting Molly. Now that I look back on it, I was stupid and stubborn.

He moved his foot and it hit my eye. Then, what happened next was completely uncalled for. I wasn't expecting it at all....

He pulled a pocket knife out from his shoe. Flipped the blade towards me and wiped away some blood from his nose, still staring me down.

I was curled up in a ball, scared of what was going to come next. I would never actually admit that I was scared because I've always been this tough guy, who's not scared of anything. Just like always, I hid my feelings and got myself under control. I slowly stood up, moving my eyes from the blade to Jake's eyes. I thought for moment about what I was going to do, it was an unfair match. He had a knife and I had only my feet and fists.

"Now, be wise with what you're gonna do next." He warned, moving the blade a little to remind me it was still there.

"You might want to take your own advice as well." My voice was raspy and almost completely gone. I still clutched my stomach.

He laughed a little, finding it humorous that I was telling him to be careful, "I'm the one with the knife! You have.... what?"

I forced a smile, it was true that he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, I admired the way he thought though, a thick skull that nothing smart can get through. That's how I was. In a way the two of us were very similar, "So, let's say you tried to stab me, what would you do next? If you kill me, surely the cops would trace it back to you and you'll be on the run for the rest of your life. However, if you stab me but don't kill me I will tell the cops anyway."

"I'll take the risk." The sudden shock of reality came through to him and he looked down at the blade he was pointing at me. Fear filled his ocean blue eyes.

"But if you put that blade away I might consider keeping this all hush hush." I smiled at my sudden cleverness.

He didn't speak for about 3 minutes, weighing out the possibilities. He looked down at the blade again and back at me. He flipped the blade and shoved it back into his shoe, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. Then he stood back up, "There...what happens now?"

It was as if Jake's personality had completely changed in the matter of 2 minutes. He seemed like a lost and confused teenage boy, who needed guidance and wanted help.

I looked at him, "You leave Molly alone and get your life figured out and we both keep this whole thing quiet."

He nodded and held out his hand for me to shake. I was hesitant, this boy was just about to kill me and now he's trying to shake my hand. Something seemed off about it but I blew off my worries and held out my hand, touching his. We shook and just then, he pulled the knife out of his pocket and quickly jabbed to my stomach.

"AHH!" I yelled in pain. I fell to the ground once again, now trying to figure out what people do when they are stabbed in the middle of a park in the middle of the night. This isn't how I planned it out. This isn't what I was expecting at all.

Now, looking back on it I should have just stayed on the ground the first time I fell and maybe he would have left without putting up anymore of a fight. Maybe I should have never gone out that night, I didn't mean for things to be this way, I didn't want Molly to be hurt. Now I have to live with the fact that it all comes back to me.

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