Chapter 4

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It was now 9pm and I was trying to figure out what I was going to say to Jake. I had gotten his phone number and I was ready to text him and tell him to back off when I found myself at a loss for words, which never happened. What was I supposed to say? 'Hi you don't know me but I think you're a complete douchebag and I'm gonna beat you up now'? No it had to be harsh, it had to be mysterious, it had to be absolutely perfect. I had to scare him, strike fear into his body whenever he heard the name Axel Jones.

So this is what I said:

Me: Meet me at Rosette park in half an hour. We have to take care of some stuff having to do with Molly!

It was almost 10 minutes before he responded back:

Jake: Do I know you?

Me: No but I'm a friend of Molly's.

Jake: What makes you think I know who Molly is?

Me: Nvm that! Just meet me at Rosette park at 10!

Jake: Why?

Me: Just meet me there.

I set down my phone before I could even see what he had texted back but my phone beeped a few times more. This was it, this was my chance to show this Jake guy who he was messing with. If he didn't show, he would be in for an even bigger beating than he already was.

After a long 20 minutes had passed by, I snuck out of my room and out to the front door. I just couldn't wait to see what this jerk looked like and pound his face into the ground. My mind somehow thought he was this big guy with huge muscles and kind of short.

I slowly opened the door, careful not to wake my parents, who were already in bed, sleeping. If they found out that I had gone out this late they would probably ground me for a month, no phone, no video games, no friends over, nothing.

I ran down the sidewalk that lead to the park, the sidewalk that I would find all too familiar. After a while my legs started burning and I needed to catch my breath. My heart was beating rapidly and my mind was racing, thinking about how I was going to handle this. I had been so caught up in the moment that I hadn't even thought of a plan.

When I reached Rosette park I was still at a loss of ideas so I just winged it. There was someone waiting on the swing at the park already. I took my phone and texted Jake:

Me: Are you at the park?

Jake: Yes, I'm on the swings.

Me: Great! I see you!

I put my phone back into the pocket of my black hoodie and walked towards Jake. When I reached the swings I simply started talking with a bitter sound to my voice, "Jake Lance?"

He spun around quickly, I must have startled him, and stood up. To my surprise, he wasn't anything like I imagined him to be. He had long, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was very tall and had freckles across his face.

"What do you want from me?"

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