Chapter 10

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When I had woken up, I was in a small room lit by a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. I was sitting in a hard kitchen chair, a small table in front of me. Across from me Jake sat, sorting out money. There were only hundreds and twenties but there were a lot of them. To my surprise I wasn't tied up and Molly was no where to be found.

"Where did you get all that money?" I asked, still a little out of it.

Jake looked up at me, just noticing I had awakened, "Oh, just selling drugs and stuff." He said matter-of-factly.

I was shocked to hear this and stayed silent, staring at him like he was crazy.

Jake went back to looking at his money for a minute and looked back up, smiling, "I'm just joking. I have a job." He said, "Pays a lot."

I wanted to sigh in relief, however, I didn't. Even though this kid was not my friend, it was still concerning when anyone said they sell drugs. I wouldn't have been very surprised if he actually did though, with his knife and threatening attitude. I mean, he just seemed like the type.

"Where's Molly?" I ignored his comment, not knowing what else to say.

"At her house, I'm assuming." Jake said, flipping through more money, "She ran off after you passed out. Didn't even bother checking on you."

I looked down at my hands kind of disappointed that she hadn't, "What made you let her go? Why didn't you just kill both of us?"

Jake smiled, entertained by the fact that there was something I didn't know,  "Cause I need her alive. I let her go but that doesn't mean I'm letting you go. You've gotten in my way more than once, you've threatened me, you've made an enemy out of me."

I rolled my eyes, "Dramatic much?"

"I need someone to do some of my dirty work." He replied ignoring my snotty comment, "You see, I need to be unpredictable. Having someone like you would be unpredictable. Which means you're going to work for me."

I smirked a little, "And why, exactly, would I do that?"

He gave me a smirk right back, showing that he had the authority in this situation, "There's a specific girl that is being protected if you're working for me, if you know what I mean. I would hate for her to end know..." he moved his finger across his throat.

I tried to keep myself as contained as possible, "If you lay a hand on her I'll-"

"You'll do what?" Jake interrupted me before I could finish, "Aren't you scared of knives or something?"

That sudden realization hit me like a bomb. I had discovered my only fear of knives, whenever I saw a sharp knife I would automatically get the vivid images of being stabbed and having to crawl back to my home in pain, or seeing the red blood stained onto my shirt and having to wash it out. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever gone through.

With no response he just grinned again, pleased with his triumph, "That's what I thought." He casually leaned under the table and pulled the knife out from his shoe, flipped the blade out, and set it on the table, "So I'm assuming you'll make the wise choice."

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