Chapter 9

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I crept up behind Jake, even more panicked than before. I found myself scared once again, a rare thing for me to feel. My heart was pounding in my chest and my head was spinning, pain shot up and down my body.

As I got closer I could make out some of the words that were being said, " not....anyone..." Was all I could make out at that point.

"I didn't tell anyone, I promise!" Molly pleaded, tears pouring down her face as Jake drew the knife closer to her neck.

"Sure you didn't, how did your friend find out then?" Jake said through clenched teeth. He spoke in almost a whisper so no one would think anything was going on. However, it didn't do much good if someone got too close, for they would see the knife and hear the conversation. 

As she spoke she leaned more into the tree, trying to get as much space between her and the knife as possible, "I don't know. Maybe he saw my phone or something."

"You didn't save the messages!" He said almost sure of what he said, just a subtle hint of doubt could be heard.

Molly was about to answer but then a voice yelled out all of a sudden, "Leave her alone!" I didn't notice it was me until both of them looked straight at me in shock.

"You again!?" Jake groaned and now didn't know what to do. Or at least he put up a good act. It wasn't until after I tried charging towards him that I noticed that there were about five other guys leaning up against trees keeping watch. They obviously weren't doing a very good job since they didn't notice me and I didn't notice them.

Jake let go of Molly and gestured for the rest of his gang to stay where they were. Molly didn't move, she stayed, watching, in shock with how quickly everything had changed.

"There, I let go of her!" He now held the knife up at me.

A sudden rush of fear, worse than ever before, ran through my body. A shiver went down my spine, as I remembered the events of the previous night as vividly as him standing in front of me now. I could feel my body shaking, going into shock. It was as if I was about to pass out and I would know how that feels since I have passed out before.

"Dude, what's your problem?!" I asked, not knowing what else to do, this time my mind wasn't racing with how I was going to get out of this. I tried but I couldn't think of anything good, it was as if my clever mind had been blocked off. In fact, I didn't seem to be thinking at all, I was just scared out of my mind.

The last time I had encountered a knife being pointed at me was only last night. I had a cut to prove it. This kid wasn't joking around with that knife, he knew how to use it, that's what scared me the most.

"My problem is that you can't seem to mind your own business!" He said with a threatening tone to his voice, as he moved closer to me. I began to move backward and everyone else was paralyzed with fear or anticipation, "By the way..." He looked down at my stomach, "How's that cut from last night?"

"What cut?" I asked, trying to cover up the fact that I was actually wounded.

Jake smiled and laughed a little, "Must I refresh your memory?"

With no response from me, he punched me exactly where he had stabbed me.

I heeled over in pain, biting my lip so I wouldn't yell.

"That one!" He and his gang started laughing at how weak and vulnerable I was. It was one of the most embarrassing things ever. To have your enemy and crush standing right next to you staring down at you when you're at your weakest.

It took me a moment to regain my strength and when I stood up I was just punched right back to the ground. That time I didn't even bother getting back up because I already knew I was finished.

My vision blurred and my eyesight went dark and everything around me disappeared.

Trapped by my choicesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang