Chapter 6

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After he had stabbed me, Jake ran away, leaving me in the dirt, blood running down my shirt and in pain.

I had somehow made it back to my house that night. I had quietly snuck back into my house,  trying not to get blood all over. For the most part, I did a pretty good job. I stumbled to my bathroom and slowly took off my blood covered shirt. There was a large cut across my stomach and it was bleeding nonstop.

My eye was bruised and swollen, my arms and legs were also bruised, my whole body was covered in mud and dirt, and my dirty blonde, almost brown, hair stuck up in all different directions. My pants had blood stained onto them and obviously my shirt did too. I didn't know how I was going to cover it all up by tomorrow. It seemed almost impossible.

Before I had done anything else I got a large gauze pad and covered up my cut to stop the bleeding. Then, I shoved my shirt into the sink and turned on the water, trying to clean some of the blood out of it. After I had gotten most of the blood out of my shirt, I then put my pants into the sink and did the same. It wasn't until 1 in the morning that I went to bed, after I had gotten as much as I could back to normal.

Now I was sitting on the bus, going to school. I had put whatever that stuff that my mom uses to cover up her face with, I think its like Blush or highlighter or something like that, on my bruised eye to cover it up. My stomach hurt really bad every time I moved but it wasn't too big of a deal. I was too scared to tell my parents because they would ground me if they knew what had happened. I wasn't planning on telling Molly because she would just... I don't really know what she would do and that's exactly why I'm not telling her.

The bus got to the school and let everyone off. I slowly and carefully walked into the school and headed to my locker. The sudden realization that Jake could have already told Molly about what happened last night hit me. I started to panic, which only made my head throb with pain. I must have hit it at some point during the fight last night.

Just then Molly started yelling as she walked up to me, "Axel!! What the heck did you do?"

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