Chapter 14

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I stood in the park, pacing around. It was 10:10 and Jake still hadn't shown. I was beginning to think that he wouldn't come, maybe he had just tricked me.

It was cold, I could see my breath when I exhaled. A small light on the side of the bathrooms illuminated the ground near me. The full moon shown brightly in the sky, stars shimmered extravagantly. The ground was wet and hard. Small drops of rain fell, making me even more cold.

My frozen fingers jammed into my pocket reaching for my phone. Once they got a grip I pulled it out and started moving my stiff fingers along the keypad:

Me: Where are you?! I've been waiting here for almost 10 minutes, it's cold! Hurry up!

I didn't get any response, I began getting nervous. What if he set me up? What if the cops were after me for giving the backpack to that guy?

"Take this and go buy us some cigars." A sketchy voice from behind me said.

I quickly turned around, ready to defend myself. To my relief, it was only Jake, he held out a five dollar bill. A few of his gang members stood behind him, all with their hoods up.

I took the money, looked down at it, kind of confused, then looked back up, "This is real right?"

The gang laughed, Jake, of course, was the one who spoke up and answered, "Why does it matter!" He gave me an evil look, as if to say that if I didn't do this I would find myself dead.

"Just figured I would ask so I could be prepared for the cops to come after me." I hesitated, then regained confidence and shrugged.

The gang members all stayed quiet, except for Jake, "Just go! Meet us back here in ten minutes. If anyone gives you any problems just tell them you're with me."

I nodded and stood there for a minute before running off with the money I had been given, still no clue what to expect.
The walk was long and anticipating. I had no idea what I would do, I knew to go to the Dollar store because of the large sign that said Tobacco on it. The night air just kept getting cooler and cooler, the rain got harder and faster. My sweater was now completely soaked, not giving me any warmth anymore.

I finally walked into the dim lit store, shivering and shaking from nerves and cold.

An older lady was sweeping the floors, I assumed she was getting ready to close up. I examined my surroundings and slowly moved towards her, "How do I get some cigars?" I paused, taking a deep breath.

The lady looked at me confused, "You're a little young to be smoking, aren't you?"

I then remembered what Jake had said before I walked off, "It's for my friend.... Jake."

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