Chapter 7

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"What do you mean?" I asked even though I knew perfectly well what she meant. She had found out that I had gotten into a fight with Jake. Part of me, though, was hoping that that was not what she was talking about. Jake must have altered the story to make me look like the bad guy. I may have been the first to throw a punch but he was the one to pull the knife.

"I mean, why do you have make up on your face?" She asked kind of amused but also concerned, "Is that concealer?!" She put her finger up to my eye and wiped away some of the makeup I had put on my eye. I can recall being so proud of finally figuring out what that stuff was but it drowned out by worry.

"Yeah, I uh hit my eye on one of my cupboard doors yesterday." I said trying to cover up what actually happened. It was amazing how Molly had noticed the makeup covering my face from so far away. I guess it was just one of those things that best friends can notice.

"Oh. Are you okay?" She said completely buying it, Jake must not have told her what happened. She had worry filling her beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh yeah. It's no big deal." I said flinching a little at the sudden pain shooting up from my stomach to my chest. I grimaced and peeped a little in pain.

She looked at me kind of funny but waved it off after a moment, "So what were you up to last night?" She asked, not trying to intimidate me.

"What?" I asked starting to panic again. It seemed like everything she said she was trying to get the truth out of me. If I kept acting like this she would definitely find out what I was actually doing last night. She had told me not to go after Jake and I had, which could have ruined our friendship. Although, I ruined it all by myself a few days later.

"Well, I texted you several times last night and you didn't answer." She said getting even more concerned, "Are you sure you are okay?"

I panicked even more trying to come up with yet another excuse for why things are the way they are today. It was true, that I was acting very weird, which would make people worry, however, I am a weird person, I've made up so many weird but funny stories and made jokes that no one else would think of.

Molly waved a hand in front of my eyes, "Hello...anybody home?" I had gone into a deep concentration trying to figure out what my next words were going to be.

"Yeah, My phone was updating last night and I fell asleep before it was finished. I got so caught up in other things this morning that I didn't respond to any texts. That's why I didn't respond." I surprised myself with how smoothly I said it and how quickly I came up with it. I was still worried that she would see right through my lies though.

"Oh. That makes sense." She said shrugging it off.

I nodded and went back to exchanging books and binders from my backpack and locker.

She was turning around when I moved in the wrong direction and reopened the large cut along my stomach. I tried to keep the pain to myself but couldn't handle it and yelped out, clutching my stomach again.

"What's wrong?!" She asked but her own question was answered when she looked down and saw the slightest bit of blood dripping down my shirt and onto the hard tile floor. Her hands moved up to her mouth as she gasped, "What in the world did you do?!"

I looked up at her, panicking even more than before, "Nothing!" I said quietly.

"Something happened. Did someone hurt you?" She asked panicked.

I didn't answer out of embarrassment. I had no more excuses, no more ideas, now Molly would know the truth and she would try to get involved and end up getting hurt too.

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