Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first fan-fiction so please, no bad comments. This story takes place before Newt gets his limp and before Thomas arrives at the Glade. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it. :D

I woke up in a dark room. I started looking around, hoping my eyes would adjust to the darkness. I then noticed that I was strapped in a chair. "Hello!" I yelled, my throat stung as I yelled. "someone help me!" I yelled. I desperately tried to struggle out of the leather straps that kept my arms and legs tight against the cold, metal chair. I sat there and tried to remember anything that happened before I was strapped in this chair. My name is Megan. That's all i could remember. So many questions flooded threw my head. Where am i? Do i have a family? Am i going to die? I searched my memories, trying to think of anything from my past but nothing came. The room suddenly lifted up and I realized it was an elevator; a flood of panic rushed through me. I once again struggled to get out if the straps of the chair. I started to feel a sharp pain in my wrist. Something warm and wet slid down to my fingers. I automatically knew it was blood. "Someone get me out of here!" I yelled once again. I tried to calm myself down before I had a heart attack and before I ripped my hands off. Minutes turned into hours. Suddenly the room stopped moving. I felt my heart stop. Then two doors in the ceiling opened, letting in sunlight that burned my eyes. I heard voices.
"it's a girl!"
"i got dibs!!"
"is she cute?!"
"Why did the creators put her in a metal chair?"
As my eyes adjusted I saw faces looking down at me. They looked like young boys; fifty to sixty of them. They all were different races, hair lengths, and sizes. I tried to remain calm as one of the boys dropped down into the box with the end of a rope in his hand. As he walked toward me I started to get a better look. He had blond hair, a square jaw, he was tall, and looked about 15-16 years old. Panic finally took over. I desperately tried to back away which made my wrists bleed even more. I felt blood pour into my hands and the pain was getting worse. "Wait, stop! You're hurting yourself!" The boy said looking at my wrists. "Who are you!" I yelled. "My name's Newt." he said. He walked closer, cautiously. When he stood right in front of me he took out a knife from his back pocket and started cutting the leather straps. When my hands were free, he started cutting my ankles loose. "Im sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Newt said. He helped me out of the chair. "Guys! Get ready to pull us out!" he yelled to the boys above. "Here put your foot in this loop." he said to me while handing me the rope. I put my foot in the loop of the rope. Then I felt myself being lifted up out of the box. I looked back down at Newt who just patiently waited. When I was fully out of the room people helped me up and I dusted off my clothes. I looked around at the people surrounding me. Some had blank faces that I couldn't read, some looked like they had just been through war and some looked like they were about to kill me; especially one boy who glared at me. I looked back and saw Newt being helped out of the elevator we came out of. Then a dark-skinned boy approached me. "Name's Alby. Welcome to the glade!" he said and held up his arms as if presenting something he made. I looked around. We stood in a huge courtyard surrounded by four enormous walls, made of stone and were probably hundreds of feet high. Some spots were covered in thick ivy. They formed a perfect square and each side was split in the middle by tall openings that led to long corridors beyond. "Come with me." Alby said, then started walking toward a large tree. When we arrived at the tree he sat down cross legged. Then he gave me a look that told me to sit down. I rested my back against the tree and sat cross legged. Then Newt came and sat in front of me in the same position. Millions of questions were rushing through my head. Why am I here? Who are these people? Why me? "Look, I know it's all very confusing but--" Alby asked but I cut him off. "Who are you? why am I here?!" I asked trying to sound strong but failed miserably. "Shuck it, Greenie! No questions until the tour is over tomorrow! You shouldnt even be asking the questions! Got it!" he yelled. I looked at Newt for help but he looked at me then at Alby as if telling me to say yes. I nodded. "good that." Alby said. "now!" He clapped his hands together startling me as he stood up. "Newt, get her a blanket and get her some food. We're meeting for a gathering tomorrow afternoon." "Good that." Newt replied. Alby started walking to a poorly built building. Newt then stood up and grabbed my arm. I quickly pulled it away. "well, do you want to eat something or not?" he asked as he held out his hand. I gave him a confused look and took his hand. As he helped me up I took a step back. He then turned around and started walking to the building Alby went to. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." he said. I hesitated but followed. My head hurt from the questions floating in my head. Boys who were walking around were looked at me. Some smiled, some glared, some stared and some winked. "It takes time to get used to. I know it's all confusing but you will understand after the tour tomorrow." Newt said as he looked back at me. I was getting used to Newt. He's not like Alby or some of the boys that looked at me like I had 7 heads. He was actually nice to me. "My name's Megan" I said as I looked at the ground. "That's a nice name." he replied and I smiled. When we arrived at the building he opened the wooden door for me as I entered. "We call this the homestead. It's like a home to us. Some people sleep in here and some people sleep outside. This is also where we eat and the bathroom is at the back." Newt explained. He lead me to a table as he went to, what I guessed, is the kitchen. he brought out 2 sandwiches and 2 glasses of water. "Bon a petit." Newt said as he set my sandwich in front of me. "Why am I the only girl here?" I asked. "I don't know, we're gonna have a bloody gathering tomorrow. See what's going on. Why the creators sent you" he said before he took a bite out of his sandwich. I then took a bite out of my sandwich. I moaned from how good it tasted. "So you were hungry." Newt said eating his sandwich. "This is so good." I said. I ate the rest and finished before Newt finished. He smiled. "Do you want another one." I nodded. He got up and got another sandwich from the kitchen and handed it to me. I ate the second sandwich quickly and drank the rest of the water. Newt got up and I followed. "Thank you so much." I said. "Don't thank me. Thank Frypan. He made the sandwiches and He's also the keeper of the cooks." Newt said. "c'mon, Let's get you a blanket." he said as we got up and left the homestead. As we walked I noticed that newt had a backpack that hung on one shoulder and he was wearing these silver, fancy running shoes. I was confused why the other gladers didn't have them. A boy stopped next to me and gave me a cold, hard glare. Newt then stopped so suddenly that I almost ran into him. "Keep moving." he said so sternly to the boy. The boy rolled his eyes at Newt and continued to walk. "What's his problem?" I asked Newt. "His name is Gally. He hasn't been the same since he's been stung." Newt said. "Stung? what does that mean." I asked. He shook off my question and continued walking. He walked me back to the tree where we first went to and told me to stay there. He came back with a big blanket. He handed it to me as I sat down; resting my back against the tree. I put my legs up to my chest and sighed. Newt sat next to me. I felt the ground shake violently which made me jump. The four doors that were on each side of the glade were CLOSING! "What's happening!" I asked newt. "it's ok. It's just the doors closing for the night" he explained. "Wow, that's not weird at all." I said sarcastically. Newt laughed a little. I pulled my blanket up to my chin. So many questions but no answers, yet. Despite my head ache, sleep finally took over my body.

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