Chapter 10

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I woke up in Newt's arms. I then remembered what happened last night. I have to tell him! I quickly stood up startling Newt out of his sleep. "what the--" he started as he rubbed his eyes. "Newt! Newt! I had a memory!" I walked back and forth as I told Newt about my memory. "Wow. Ok." he said as if he didn't know what to say. "I know! I know!" I groaned. "It's like I remember you but I don't, I just need to take a walk." I proclaimed as I left Newt and headed into the deadheads. I thought about the memory. How Newt asked me to remember him. "ugh!!!!!! What the hell!" I yelled in frustration. Suddenly, a twig broke behind me. I turned around so fast that I almost twisted my ankle. It was the new kid. "Oh, hi" I said. "Hey" he said. "Sorry if I scared you, I came here to just relax for a while." he said. "No, it's fine I came for the same reason" I said. "I didn't catch your name." I said. "I'm Thomas." he said as he held out his hand. "I'm Megan." I said as I took his hand to shake it. "So how's your second day in the glade?" I asked. "umm... it's all confusing. A lot of questions, no answers." he said. "Ya, That's how I felt when I first came here." I said. "Why are you the only girl here?" Thomas asked. "umm, I don't know. We had a gathering about it. I'm glad that most of the keepers were on my side." I explained. He gave me a confused look. "It's hard to explain, Alby will give you a tour in a couple of hours." I said. "Ya, what's his problem, and that Gally kid. I don't know why he hates me so much." Thomas said. I forgot about Gally. They must have let him out of the slammer yesterday. "I don't know. He hates me too but I punched him in the face, so ya" I said. I looked up and saw that the sky was still dark out.we were up pretty early. I wonder how long we were out here. "I better get going, I have to meet up with a keeper in a couple of hours." I said. "Ya, and I have a tour around this place." he said. "So, I guess I'll see you later." I said. "ok, bye." Thomas said and smiled. With that he started walking out of the deadheads. I then started walking out of the deadheads in a different direction. I saw Newt still at the tree. I could tell he was deep in thought. I sat next to him. "So, what keeper am I meeting up with today?" I asked. "You're meeting up with Minho. Keeper of the runners." he said. I suddenly jumped up startling Newt. "Whoo hoo!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I started celebrating. "Yes!!" I yelled. I would finally be able to show Newt and Minho that I can be a runner! Some people still sleeping shushed me. "sorry." I whispered. I sat back down next to Newt and gave him an excited look. "Oh my god, I'm so excited!" I said. "I could tell" he said smiling. "Ugh! You shouldn't have told me that! Now I can't go back to sleep!" I said shoving Newt gently. "Well, you wanted to bloody know!" he said shoving me back. "Oh my god, do you think I can do it?" I asked Newt. "Of course. You do seem very determined." he said. "Thank you!" I said as I smiled at him. I pulled him into a tight hug.


"Ok, are you ready?" Minho asked. "yes." I replied. We were standing outside of the south door, ready to start running. "ok, let's go!" he said as he started to run. I followed him. I ran faster to run beside him. So this is what a runner feels like? I felt the wind in my face. A sudden boost of energy flooded through me. I noticed that I was a couple feet ahead of Minho, who was one of the fastest people in the glade!!! "Getting tired?" I shouted back at him. "No! Pay attention to what's in front of you!" he shouted back. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead. We ran down long and short corridors. Left, right, U-turn. we've been running for a couple hours until Minho shouted, "Megan, let's take a break!" I stopped immediately. I saw Minho sit down and rest his back against a wall. I sat next to him and did the same. "wow, you're pretty fast, huh?" he said. I shrugged. Suddenly, I heard a sound in the distance. it sounded like the alarm I heard when Thomas first came. "no..." I heard Minho say, not realizing that he already stood up. "no, it can't be.." He said confused. "what?" I asked. "c'mon we have to go back to the glade, and fast." he said and started running. I followed not sure of what was happening.


Back at the glade, everyone was crowding the box as the alarms kept blaring. I saw Newt standing next to Alby in the front. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to him. "Newt, what's going on?" I asked as I walked up and stood next to him. "There is another Greenie coming. We have never had two greenie's in one month." he said. Suddenly Alby walked over to me and pointed at my face. "You." he said. "I don't know what's going on, but if you part of this, I swear--" he started but was cut off by Newt. "Look Alby, she doesn't have anything to do with this. Just leave her alone, ok?" Newt said. Alby gave me a glare then gave Newt one. He then walked back to the opening of the box and stood there crossing his arms. Newt sighed. "He's been having a hard time lately, lot of pressure." he said. Suddenly, the alarms stopped. Newt walked over to the box. I followed but stood next to Alby as Newt and some others opened the doors in the ceiling of the box. Suddenly, Newt's calm face turned full of surprise. "What?" I asked awkwardly since it was quiet. "It's another girl." He said. Yay! Another girl? Whoo hoo, girl power! I walked closer to Newt and looked inside. the girl looked scared and confused. Sge then stared at me. "Megan!" she yelled. A smile appeared on her face. She then turned to Thomas who was standing next to Minho on the other side of the box. "Thomas." she said then passed out. Everyone was looking at me and Thomas. Thomas then turned to me, obviously just as confused as I am. Even Newt turned to look at me. Suddenly, Alby told some gladers to throw him a rope. As they did this Newt and Alby jumped into the box. Then they lifted the girl's lifeless body out of the box. A couple gladers laid her down on the ground as everyone crowded around her. Newt and Alby finally came out of the box and pushed their way through to the girl. "Thomas! Megan! Get over here!" I heard Alby say. The group parted giving me and Thomas a path to the Alby and Newt. I walked toward them. Not wanting to meet their stares, I concentrated on the newcomer. She was thin but not too small, five and a half feet tall, looked about fifteen to sixteen years old, and had tar black hair. "You know this girl, shanks?" Alby asked. Thomas opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "Seriously? of course we don't know her! We don't know anyone! Except for you guys." I said. "I mean, does she look familiar at all?" He asked frustrated. "no!" Thomas said. "Are you sure?" Alby asked. "yes! why?" I asked. "First, the first girl ever to arrive in the glade appears. Then in two days, two greenie's appear." Newt said. I had the a feeling that Newt was starting to doubt me, which surprisingly hurt me. "She doesn't look familiar at all." Thomas said. I heard the annoyance in his voice. "Are you--" before Newt could finish, the girl sat up into a sitting position. She gasped for air, her eyes snapped opened looking around at the crowd surrounding her. Newt, obviously startled, gasped and stumbled away from her. Alby fell backwards. The girl then turned to me. "Everything is going to change." she said. Suddenly her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell back to the ground. Her fist shot up into the air as she landed, staying rigid after she grew still, pointing toward the sky. A wadded piece of paper was clutched in her hand. Newt ran forward and pulled her fingers apart, grabbing the paper. He unfolded it and dropped to his knees, spreading out the note on the ground. I moved up behind him to get a look as Thomas did the same. Five words were scrawled across the paper in thick black letters.

She's the last one.

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