Chapter 14

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. I have had so many exams ever since school started and I've been really busy. I promise to make an effort to update more often. OMG! I saw the maze runner movie and it was amazing! OMG! I'm obsessed with it. I guess I've always been. Lol! Well, I hope you shanks enjoy this chapter! You guys are the best! 😃

I opened my eyes to see Newt sitting in a chair next to me sleeping. My arm was extremely sore and I was really hungry. I looked around and realized that I was laying in Newt's bed. I looked out the window to see that it was around noon.

Newt stirred in his sleep. I tried to sit up and go to see if Frypan has anything to eat but Newts eyes opened before I even sat up properly. "Bloody hell, Megan! you're ok!" he said. I hesitated before I said anything. Why didn't he tell me about the needle? How could he let Alby do that to me? What happened to gally? I was angry and confused but I was really happy to see newt. I took a pillow from behind me and threw it at him playfully but he caught it before it hit him.

"what?" he asked confused. I just smiled and shook my head. I ran my hand through my hair. Suddenly, chuck burst through the door and ran into the room startling me. "Is she awake?!" he asked and Newt pointed at me. I simply waved and smiled. "Megan!" he shouted and gave me the tightest hug. "Hey Chuck, What's the news?" I asked. "The girl is awake and she is asking for you." he said. "But try to stay away from Alby today. He is getting really suspicious about you." "Ok, we'll see you in 5 minutes." newt said. Then Chuck ran back out of the room.

I stood up and started to walk towards the door when Newt spun me around and pulled me into a hug. He smelled of lavender and I felt him bury his head in my shoulder. I suddenly got butterfly's in my stomach. I listened to his slow heart beat and closed my eyes. For once, I felt protected. I felt like we weren't in the glade anymore. We pulled away and I gave him a confused expression. "What was that for?" I asked. "I'm just really glad you're ok. I don't know what I would do without you." he said and gave me one the most cutest smiles ever. Wait what? I smiled back at him and then looked at the floor to hide my blush. I heard foot steps coming out of the next room. I walked over to the door and poked my head out into the hallway. I saw Gally walking down the stairs. I can't believe I'm saying this but I was actually glad that he was ok. He looked like he was in a lot of pain the last time I saw him. I turned around to see Newt standing next to me. "C'mon, we have to--" he said but was cut off by boys shouting and arguing outside.

Newt and I rushed down the straits and out the door. We saw that the girl that arrived in the box was at the top of the wooden tower next to the homestead throwing food down at the boys who were trying to protect themselves with large pieces of fence, pans, and other things. It was really funny until a piece of lettuce hit me in the face and it surprisingly hurt. Newt grabbed a large piece of fence to protect him and I from the food and held it over our heads. "I don't think she likes us very much." he said in his deep English accent.

(A/N: By the way I LOVE his English accent!!!) When I turned to my right I saw Gally trying to block the food with his hands. "If you throw one more piece of fruit at me--" he said but was cut off when a banana hit him on the head. I tried to hold in a laugh but failed. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my shoulders and pin me against the wall. I winced from the pain that shot throughout my spine. Then that person put their knife up to my neck. Alby. "You!, there is something you aren't telling us shuck-face! and I'm gonna find out! You know something! Why don't you just say it?!" he yelled. "I-I don't know anything." I stammered. Everything was happening at once. Everyone ignored the girl and turned toward me and alby. Newt was the first one to pull Alby off of me then others helped. Alby was struggling, holding his arms out as if he wanted to strangle me. What is going on? I just woke up from being unconscious and this is what I get? Alby was still trying to rip my eyes out then he started to relax. Everything got quiet. The girl was looking over the edge of the tower and was watching us; Newt and the other guys holding Alby back waited until he finally calmed down. "Alby, are you out of your mind?" Jeff asked. "What is bloody wrong with you?!" newt asked almost yelling. "I saw her!, and them!" he said pointing at thomas, the girl and I. "They did this to us! They put us in here to rot!" he yelled breathing heavily. Clint walked in front of him and pulled up Alby's sleeve. "He's been stung." Clint announced. Once again it was quiet. I took a look at his arm. Veins were stretched out across his arm like vines. It reminded me of Ben. Alby suddenly broke loose from everyone's grasp and started charging at me. Panic flooded threw me. I started to run away, with Alby close behind me, and the rest of the gladers chasing after Alby. I ran as if my life depended on it, cause it did. I then felt Alby grab the back of my shirt which made me fall on my arm; pain shot up and down like a knife cutting it off. Damn, he could be a runner. I yelled in pain. Alby grabbed my neck, started to strangle me and started to bang me against the ground. I couldn't breathe. Everything started getting darker until I was able to breathe again. I struggled to back away as I saw boys grabbing Alby's feet and dragging him away from me. Suddenly, I watched as Newt grabbed a shovel and hit him in the head really hard. His eyes rolled back and he was still struggling to get up but the Gladers held him down. I was still trying to catch my breath, grabbing the grass to balance myself. I was startled when Newt helped me up and attempted to dust off my clothes. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his shirt. "Holy crap" I managed to say. He immediately wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer. The smell of lavender and his warmth comforted me. I was scared that another glader will attack me again. I was scared that what Alby was saying was true. Did I help build the maze? Did I help put everyone in here? Newt pulled away and looked me up and down as if checking to see if I was hurt. He was so cute. Wait what!? "I'm fine." I simply said. "I just need a moment..." I once again wrapped my arms around him. He stumbled back a little since I kinda fell into him instead of just hugging him. I was exhausted. I was tired of living like this. I'm tired of this freaking maze! Why did Alby hate me so much? I just want to find a way out. When we finally pulled away I looked around and realized that the other gladers were too busy with Alby to see when newt and I were hugging. Chase jogged up to me. "Are you ok?" he asked kindly. I smiled and said "I'm fine." "Can you tell the others that we are having a gathering tomorrow. That was the first time someone got stung in the morning." He then went back towards the tower where the girl is at. Chase looked at me confused. I shrugged. I turned see that the girl, once again, started to throw food. She kept on shouting "Get away from me! I'm warning you!" "Is that what most girls are like?" Chase asked. I laughed and shook my head, then playfully shoved him.


When everything calmed down and we were finally able to get the girl down from the small tower, Newt went to the homestead to explain things to her. Great. Not that, that was a problem with me of course. I'm just....concerned.

Earlier Minho asked if I was able to run in the maze with Thomas and him. And here I am now, running beside Thomas, following Minho through the twists and turns of the Maze. "Ok! Let's take a break!" Minho announced. I sat next to Thomas and leaned against the wall. I was so hungry. I devoured my sandwich in a couple of minutes then started to quickly eat the next one. "Wow, you were hungry." Minho said. "Mmm hmm" I replied. I wonder who was the first person to arrive in the glade. That poor guy had to stay in the glade for a month by himself until another person arrived. "Minho, Who were the first three people to arrive in the glade?" I asked. "well, first it was Alby, then me, then Newt." he said.

Alby?! That explains so much! That's why he is the kind of person he is today! We all sat there for a few more minutes. I was startled when Minho clapped his hands together and stood up. What's up with everyone scaring me today?! "Well shanks, it's time to go. C'mon." he said and started jogging back. I quickly packed my stuff away then followed him and Thomas. I ran through the corridors of the maze, then out of the corner of my eye I saw something yellow-ish. I turned to see a mango hanging from the vines. What is a mango doing here? "Minho! Take a look at this!" I yelled to Minho. He stopped suddenly. I picked the Mango from the vine and showed it to them. "Oh man, those are really rare! Newt loves those, let me tell you. That's why he used to love to run in the maze. He would always find them." he explained. I stared at the mango then put it in my backpack. maybe I could give it to Newt as a surprise and a thank you gift. I then started jogging back to Minho. "ok, ready? Wait, do you have the mango?" He asked. I pointed to my backpack. "ok, let's go."

A/N : Sorry this chapter was short. Hope you guys are able to see the chapter. I was getting comments from people saying that they couldn't see this chapter so comment if you can see it.

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