Chapter 6

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"Wow!" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Clint standing in the doorway. "Am I disturbing something?" He asked. I literally jumped out of the bed and tried not to trip over a stool. "holy-!!! Clint, no. Nothing is happening, I was just umm.....checking up on him" I said as I looked to Newt for help. Newt sat up wincing from his cuts and asked "What bloody time is it." "Time for dinner." Clint replied with a smirk on his face. "Who knows how you guys have been sleeping." Clint said as he winked at me. He gave Newt one last smirk and then left the room. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and sighed. "Thanks for the help, Newt. Clint probably thinks we're together now." I said. "We probably were.... before the creators took our memory away." he said. I paused for a moment thinking about that but snapped out of my daze. "c'mon let's get some dinner from Frypan," I said. "And let's hope we don't bloody choke." Newt said jokingly.


I helped Newt downstairs. Of course I almost tripped down a stair but I got him the rest of the way. We went into the kitchen and I sat him down at a table. "Wait, one second." I said as I went into the kitchen and said "What's up Frypan. I need two cheese sandwiches please." "Comin right up" he said. Two minutes later, Frypan tossed me two sandwiches. I brought them to the table along with two glasses of water. "Here you go." I said as I handed a sandwich to Newt. A Glader that walked by winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Newt glared at him. "so.... when can I start trying each job?" I asked. "Probably in two days." Newt said biting into his sandwich. "ok" I said. "How about we exercise that ankle of yours today?" I asked finishing off my sandwich. "What?" Newt asked. "Well you do need to walk around--" I said as I winced from a pain in my back. Oh my god! My back hurts so badly! "Are you ok?" newt asked. "Kinda." I said, "When you were tangled in those vines I tried to cut you down but the last two vines were two far. So I just pulled you downward so the vines would rip. But I knew that if I did, we would fall. I fell on my back......,you were on top of me........, Alby was being so god damn annoying! So ya." I said. "Wait, so you climbed the wall and tried to get me down?" he asked. I nodded finishing up my sandwich. "why?" he asked confused. I shrugged. Just then Alby came in and sat next to Newt. "How's your foot?" he asked. "Hurts like hell." Newt replied. Alby turned to me. "how's your back?" he asked. Anger rushed through me. "Oh! So now your asking if I'm ok. When I was on the ground after I got the wind knocked out of me, instead of helping me you were asking me stupid questions!" I said. "oh, what is wrong with you, why would you do that, is Newt ok?" I said mimicking Alby's voice. Newt turned to Alby. "You're ok now, right?" Alby asked. I felt like I was going to explode, "no!" I yelled standing for effect. I could tell Alby was holding back a laugh. Someone was definitely ready to get punched in the face. I was about to walk over to Alby when Minho came in and sat in the seat next to me. "Hey guys." he said. He must have just came back because I heard the doors closing. I sat back down. "Hi" Alby, newt, and I said at the same time. Alby and Minho got into a conversation about the gladers. I looked at Newt who gave me a signal that we should leave. I got up and walked over to Newt. I put one of his arms across my shoulders to take off some pressure on his foot. We walked out into dark, starry night. I lead him towards a tree and we sat down. I finally asked the question that has been bugging me all this time. "Newt... Please, tell what happened. I don't understand. Did a griever do it, another glader. Just tell me." I asked and gave him a concerned look. Newt looked at the ground. He sighed. "I climbed up one of those walls. I thought it would all go away." he said. "Lately people have been getting upset that other gladers think you're not a spy. And there is a lot of arguing, disagreements, blaming... Things were getting out of control. I guess it made something inside of me snap." he said. He turned and looked at me. "Megan, I hate this bloody place and I always have, and I always will. I wanted to leave so badly that..... I thought killing myself would be the only way." he said sadly and looked at the ground. "But for some reason, the creators don't want me dead. That's why this happened." Newt said pointing at his foot. Tears were forming in my eyes. Why? why would Newt do that?, I asked myself, where's the Newt that I met three days ago?! "Newt....." I said softly. He turned to look at me. I couldn't hold back some of the tears in my eyes. I felt them slide down my face. I stood up, walked over to Newt, knelt down and pulled him into a hug. "Newt, don't do that!" I said angry. I felt sad, angry, and everything in between. More tears slid down my face. "Promise me, you won't do that again. I care about you way too much." I said. I pulled away from the hug and held Newt's shoulder's. "Newt... promise me." I said. We stared into each others eyes for a moment. "I promise." he said quietly. I stared into his eyes for another moment then pulled him into another hug. Newt held me tighter. We stayed like that for a while. When we pulled away, Newt's eyes were a little red as if he were holding back tears himself. I then sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt him rest his head on mine. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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