Chapter 15

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Minho, Thomas and I continued to run through the maze until we saw the glade. Newt was standing there waiting for me. I immediately gave him a hug. Even though I saw him this morning I still missed him. "Hey, how was the greenie?" I asked. "She was very violent at times and I had to call the bloody med-jacks to calm her down but other than that, fine" he replied. "I have something to show you" we both said at the same time. I gave him a confused look. "You go first." he said and smiled. I pulled the mango out from out of my backpack and handed it to Newt. His mouth dropped and I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Bloody hell, where did you get this? I love these!" he said excited. "It was hanging on the wall and Minho told me you liked them, so here we are now." I said. "Thank you so much" he said and pulled me into another hug. When we pulled away he said "ok, now I have you something--" Suddenly, Chase and Thomas walked over. "No! I want to tell her!" they said at the same time. They both looked like they had been tackled to the ground. Thomas had a large leaf in his hair. I walked over to him, took it out and flung it to the side. He smiled at me. Minho walked over to us. "We are celebrating all the new arrivals in the past two months. So we are having a huge bonfire tonight and there will be drinks, Frypan's gonna make a lot of food, and everyone will be there. Also, you are one of our guests of honor." He explained. Count me in! "Oh my god, that sounds exciting, when does it start?" I asked excitedly. Minho looked at his watch and looked at the sky which was a dark navy blue. "In a half an hour" he replied. "yay!" I said. wait! what am I gonna wear! I looked down at what I was wearing. I wore baggy sweatpants and a tank top. "What am I gonna wear!?" I asked dramatically to everyone and started pacing back and forth. Suddenly Newt, Chase, and Thomas grabbed my hand... or, at least tried to. "That's what I wanted to show you" Newt said grabbing my arm and pulled me towards the homestead, away from the other guys. When we arrived Newt sat me in a chair and told me to close my eyes. I heard him run up the stairs and back down. He then put, what felt like clothes, in my hands. "Okay open them." he said. In my hands were ripped, black, skinny jeans, a red crop top that has the obey logo on it and a black beanie. This outfit was perfect! But why does it look so new? Why would the creators give the gladers this? "Oh my god Newt! Thank you so much!" I said and wrapped my arms around him. "It wasn't only me. Chase kept on asking the creators for the skinny jeans for weeks and Thomas kept asking for the shirt. The beanie was from Alex, a glader who came to the glade wearing it but after that he never wore it so he let you have it. The creators finally gave us the shirt and jeans two days ago. I'm a little confused of why the creators gave us the outfit." Newt explained. They would go through all that trouble, for me? "Oh my god I'm so excited!, I want to go and put them on! Newt, I'm going into your room to change!" I said running up the stairs into Newt's room. I put the outfit on, excited to see how it looked. I looked in the mirror and my mouth dropped. The skinny jeans and the crop top fit me perfectly! The best thing about this outfit was the beanie. I loved it! I fixed my hair and looked in the mirror once more. I stared at what I really looked like. I looked exactly like Newt's description of me. I had full lips, blonde hair, I had an hour glass figure, and one of my eyes are silver and the other one's hazel. I walked down the stairs and didnt see Newt. He must have gone to the bonfire already. I walked out of the door and heard people yelling and shouting. I turned towards the middle of the Glade and saw the Gladers having fun and celebrating. I started to walk towards the bonfire. I saw Thomas standing next to Newt and Minho talking to them. I walked over to them. Before I even got to the bonfire I heard tons of wolf whistles and a lot of voices.

"Damn Megan!"

"I called dibs shuck-face!"

"Shut up, you piece of klunk! Megan's mine!"

I stared at the ground trying to hide my blush but failed.

I walked over to Thomas, newt and Minho. Thomas and Newt's mouths dropped and Minho just stared at me. I laughed. "Close your mouths, you'll end up eating a fly." I said. "Megan, You look amazing!" Newt said. "Thank you." I said blushing. I felt like I was going to turn into a tomato if I blush even more. I turned around to see Chase staring at me. "You look beautiful." he said smiling. "Thank you" I replied. Newt grabbed my hand. "C'mon, let me show you around." he said. Once Newt showed me where everything was I sat in between Chase and Thomas. Newt was getting me something to drink even though I told him that I would get it. I rested my head against Chase's shoulder. "So how was running in a different section of the maze?" I asked. "Pretty good. Saw a couple of grievers here and there but it was ok." he said. I felt like Chase was one of my best friends in the Glade. I could tell him anything and he would tell me anything. Newt came back with my drink and several others for Thomas, Minho, Chase, and himself. "Thanks" I said and took a sip of the drink. I can't even describe how disgusting this tasted. Thomas started spitting the drink out of his mouth letting me know that I wasn't the only one who felt that way about the drink. I swallowed my sip of the drink. "What is this?" Newt, Minho, and Chase drank theirs like it was nothing. "I don't know? It's gally's secret recipe." Newt answered. "Ugh" I said and shook my head. Suddenly, I see Teresa approach us. Newt looked at her like she was an alien. Chase ignored her. Except for Thomas. He watched her walk over and sit behind me. She tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, my name's Teresa." she said and held out her hand. "Megan" I said and shook her hand. "I will be right back." Newt said and walked over to where Chuck was sitting. "I feel like I remember you--" Teresa said to me but was cut off when Gally walked by. He looked at me and said "you look nice." What?! "Thank you" I said. I watch as he walked over to a group of Gladers by a large sand pit. The edge of it was lined with stones. "Chase, what are they doing over there?" Chase looked at me then stood up. "C'mon" he said and held out his hand. He helped me up and pulled me over to the group. As we made our way to the front of the Group I watched as Gally shoved another glader out of the sand pit. Gladers cheered. I wasn't impressed for some reason. "I could do better" I whispered to Chase. Suddenly, Gally turned towards me. I think that I might have said that a little too loud. "Megan, why don't you vs me. See how strong you really are." he said. People cheered. I gave him a confused look. "it's simple, try to get me out of the circle." he explained. I hesitated at first but I handed Chase my beanie and approached Gally. "Let's dance greenie" he said. "Don't call me that. I'm not the greenie anymore." I said. "Just start already!" a glader said at the front. I turned around and gave him a death glare and he back away. Before, I turned back around Gally shoved me out of the circle causing me to fall. Anger and frustration flooded through me. I got up and charged at Gally. I tried to push him but he wouldn't budge. he laughed and once again shoved me out of the circle. Gally then started jogging around the circle holding his hands up in the air. When he came close enough I grabbed his foot causing him to fall out of the circle. I quickly got up and laughed. "that's right shuck-face, you just got out smarted by a--" I said but was cut off when Gally kicked my leg causing me to fall on my side in the sand. "shit!" I said. I got up again and charged at Gally. he wasn't looking this time and I was able to shove him out of the circle. "Ha! sucker! Not as weak as I look!" I said. Gally got up, his eyes full of rage. "2-2, one more round!" someone in the front shouted. "C'mon Gally!" someone else shouted. Probably one of his friends. I felt like I was going to explode from frustration. I turned to the person and pointed at them. "Shut up!" I yelled at him. There were a lot of Oooo's from most of the Gladers. Suddenly, someone pulled me a side. It was Chase. He pulled me close and whispered in my ear "Get him from the side." He then pulled away. Before I went back into the center I nodded to him and he mouthed "show him what you're really made of." I turned back to Gally and glared at him. Gally charged at me and I dodged and tried to push him from the side but he shoved me first and I landed on my bad arm. I winced from the pain but got up quickly. I charged at Gally but he grabbed the back of my shirt and once gain threw me to the ground. I quickly kicked Gally's legs and he fell face first into the sand. It was hard for me to get back up and I could tell that it was hard for Gally as well. I heard someone speaking to Chase who was standing near me. "What the bloody hell happened!" the person whispered sharply to Chase. Newt. I watched as Gally got up and towered over me. I slowly got up pretending like I was extremely tired. Then I quickly charged at Gally and shoved him to the side causing him the fall out of the circle. Suddenly, everyone cheered. The first person to get to me was Chase then everyone surrounded me. He pulled me into a tight hug. "I knew you could do it!" he said. Gally approached me and put a hand on my shoulder. "You did good, shank." I nodded. Then I felt someone spin me around and pulled me into a hug. "bloody hell Megan, remind me to not get on your bad side." Newt said. I laughed. As I walked back to the bonfire, Gladers gave me pats on the back, high-fives, or were telling me "Good job, shank" or "Not bad". I sat by the fire next to Thomas. Chase sat next to me and Newt sat in front of me. I suddenly realized that Newt was hiding something behind his back. I gave him a confused look and mouthed "What is that?" to him. He smiled and pulled the mango from behind him. Only this time it was on a plate, sliced into small slices and it was arranged in a circle so it looked like a flower. "I cut it up for all of us." Newt said and he put it in the center of our little group. I took a bite of a piece of mango. Everyone was watching me to see what my reaction was. It was so good! (A/N does anyone else love mangos? 😃) I moaned from how good it tasted. Suddenly everyone else took a piece. I simply laughed.

Sorry this chapter was a little rushed and i'm sorry that some parts are a little unrealistic. I'm so overwhelmed with tests and quizzes in school. What are you guys being for Halloween? I got to start the next chapter so I will see you shanks later!

Endless (Maze Runner Fanfiction, Newt)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang