Chapter 9

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I spent the next couple of days working with some more keepers like Zart and Frypan. Cooking with Frypan was not that bad. It was actually pretty fun. He showed me how to make some kind of soup and some other meals. It wasn't anything like working with Zart. By the time I was done in the gardens, I was exhausted. I actually fell asleep while I was working only to be woken up by Zart to go back to work. He told me that some kid named Ben got stung and was going through the changing.

Today, I was standing next to Newt, waiting for the newcomer to show up. These really loud alarms were driving me crazy. Newt said the alarms always go off when someone new comes and that he's used to it. A couple hours went by and nothing happened. It wasn't until sunset when the alarms finally stopping blaring. Newt and some other gladers opened the doors in the ceiling of the box. I looked down and saw a teenage boy about sixteen years old, is five foot nine, and has brown hair. He looked terrified and his hand was trying to block out the light. Voices erupted from every direction.
"Look at that shank."

"How old is he?"

"Looks like a klunk in a T-shirt"

"You're the klunk, shuck-face."

"Hope you enjoyed the one-way trip, greenie."

"Ain't no ticket back bro."

The boy looked confused and scared. I saw Newt throw a rope into the box. The boy put his foot in the loop at the bottom of the rope. While Gladers helped the boy out of the box I helped Newt out. "Guess Your not the greenie anymore." Newt said to me. I nodded. I saw Alby, the new guy, and a couple of other gladers walk to the same tree I sat down at when I first arrived at the glade. "Umm... while Alby is trying to explain things to the greenie, do you want to get something to eat?" Newt asked. "sure" I said and smiled. I was pretty hungry after waiting all day for a newbie to show up. When we arrived at homestead Newt asked Frypan for two sandwiches. I ate mine quickly but Newt still wasn't done with his. "Umm... Megan...." he said hesitantly. "ya" I said. "I have a question..." Newt said. "Spill" I said. "how would you-" he asked but was cut off by an ear-splitting scream coming from upstairs. "Who or what is that?" I asked. "It's Ben. Going through the buggin changing. poor guy." Newt explained. "What's the changing?" I asked. "if you get stung and get the serum, you go through the changing. It's where you get some of your memories back. It's a painful process though. If you get stung and don't get the serum, you die." He said. "Wow" I said wanting to ask more about the changing but decided to leave the subject. "C'mon, it's getting late. You have to meet up with another keeper tomorrow." Newt said. I groaned as Newt laughed. I helped Newt over to one of the trees in the Deadheads. It's a creepy place but it's peaceful. I sat down and rested against the large trunk as Newt sat next to me. Sleep took over and for the first time I felt like everything would be ok.


"No! You can't do this!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Newt. I looked around to see that I was in a room that looked like a ware house with shelves full of supplies I've seen in the glade. I turned around to see two large men in white with guns shoving him into what looks like a very large metal cube. I realized it was the box. "Stop! Leave him alone!" I yelled. Two other guards came up to me and pulled me back. I tried to get out of their grasp. I saw Newt struggling to get out of the box. "leave her alone!" he yelled. One guard took out what looked like a needle with a mysterious red liquid in it and stuck it into Newts arm. Newt yelled in pain. Suddenly, he fell to the floor of the box. the gaurds let go of Newt and as they quickly left they closed a glass door behind them. Newt got up and pounded on the glass door. I broke away from the guards grasp and ran up to the glass door. Newt, on the other side of the door, relaxed and looked me in the eyes. "Megan." he said. Tears slid down my face. "Please remember me." he said.


I woke up screaming. I felt someone grab my shoulders. Panic flooded through me. I started struggling to get away. "Megan! It's me! It's just a dream! It's not real!" I familiar voice yelled. I looked up at Newt and stopped screaming. I calmed down and gingerly touched my face. I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. I was breathing heavily and I looked around frantically to see the glade. "It's ok, you're safe with me." Newt said. I looked around to see that it was still dark out. I turned to look back at Newt whose face was full of concern. He pulled me into a tight hug. "You're safe. I promise." he said trying to comfort me. I buried my face in his shoulder. "Megan, you started screaming like someone was trying to bloody kill you! What happened?" Newt asked. "I'll tell you in the morning...... It's all too confusing." I said. Newt pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "I promise." I said. Newt sighed and leaned back against the tree. I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. "I just don't want anything to happen to you." he said.

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