Chapter 16

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Hey guys! This chapter is mostly going to be about Megan and Chase's relationship. Comment to tell me what you think. I hope you shanks like it! 😃
We all hung out for a couple more hours then everyone started to go to bed. I told everyone that I would see them in the morning and I walked over to a tree in the deadheads. I collapsed, exhausted from the celebration. I watched as Newt walked over to me and sat next to me. "So, did you have fun?" he asked. "Yes, I loved it. Thank you." I said and rested my head on his shoulder. Newt wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I yawned and let sleep slowly take over.
I felt someone gently nudging me awake. I opened my eyes to see Chase. "Megan, we have to go." he said. "where?" I asked sleepily and rubbed my eyes. He laughed quietly and said "running." I groaned. "C'mon, Minho is almost ready to go." he said. I lifted my hands up in the air like a little kid and said "Carry me please." I felt Chase pick me up bridal style and he carried me over to the map room. Of course I fell asleep on the way there.
Chase set me down in a chair and handed me my lunch. "Thanks. You didn't have to get it for me." I said with one eye open. "It was no problem." he said. I stretched then stood up. Chase and I then walked to the east door of the maze where we saw Minho. "You shanks ready." he asked. I yawned and nodded in reply. "I guess that means that we're ready." he said and started running with Chase and I following.
We ran for quite a while until we heard a Griever coming around the corner. I panicked and took out my knives and stayed close to Minho who had his own weapon in his hand. So did Chase. The closer it got the more I panicked. I've never encountered a griever in person. As soon as the creature saw us, it charged at us. The creatures stinger lashed out at me but I dodged it. Minho charged at it and was able to cut off one of its legs off. It shrieked so loud I felt like I was going to go deaf. Suddenly, two others came around the corner and charged at Chase and I. "Run!" Minho yelled at us. A griever lunged at me but Chase pulled me to the side just in time. "C'mon!" He said and we both started running.
Minho went a different way. I looked back to see that the griever was gaining on us. I ran faster so I was next to Chase. We came up to a cliff. There was no where to go. I looked around and saw that If we jumped far enough we would be able to grab onto the vines on the wall and climb up. "Chase we're gonna have to jump!" I said. He nodded then took a running start and jumped. He was able to grab onto a vine and waited for me to jump. I took a deep breath, took a running start and jumped. I grabbed a vine and was able to regained my balance. I sighed of relief.
Then suddenly a large claw grabbed me and pulled me off of the wall. "Chase!" I screamed before it slammed me against the ground knocking the wind out of me. I gasped for air and looked up, only to see a griever bending down to examine me. It roared in my face making me turn my head to the side and scream. I took out one of my knives and repeatedly stabbed the griever in the stomach. "Get off of me!" I yelled. The creature went crazy and started swinging it's stinger at me. I kicked and punched it, desperately trying to get away but I kicked to soon and I felt a small needle penetrating my leg.
At first I didn't feel anything then suddenly I was overwhelmed in sharp pains. I yelled. "Chase! Help me!" I yelled before the creature tried to lung at me again but it collapsed with a knife in its head. A sharp, stabbing pain went up and down my body causing me to scream. My vision was becoming blurry and I felt weak. I felt someone grab my hand. I looked up to see Chase. I've never been so glad to see him. He was telling me something but I couldn't hear him. I felt him pick me up which caused me to yell in pain. I felt like I couldn't move. If I did then I would've been in so much pain. I then started to hear his voice. It sounded like an echo. "I'm gonna get us out of here, ok? I promise. You are going to get the serum and you're gonna make it." he said. I started to feel really cold. What's going on? The only warmth I felt was from Chase.
I snuggled into him hoping to get some warmth but a sharp pain ran through my arm causing me to hold onto him tighter. "Its, ok. You won't be in anymore pain once you get the serum." Chase said. Even though I was in pain I was able to wrap my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall. He was now sprinting. Suddenly, he stopped short and I felt him jump. "Minho, she's been stung. We have to get back to the glade." He said. "We have to hurry, here I'll carry her." Minho said. I felt Chase try to hand me over to Minho but I wouldn't let go of him. I couldn't move and right now I felt safer with Chase. "I..... can't......move..." I managed to say. Chase took me back into his arms. "how much more time do we have?" He asked. "10 mins, we have to hurry" I heard Minho reply. Chase started running again. I buried my face in his shirt. Chase must've jumped over something causing a shock of pain to run throughout my body. I finally passed out.
"We have to hurry!"
"Clint, get the serum."
"Megan, can you hear me?"
I opened my eyes to see that I was in a bed in the homestead. I looked around and saw the med-jacks, Newt and a few other gladers. a sudden rage took over me and I couldn't control myself.
"Stop! Let me go! Get away from me!" I screamed and thrashed around.
"Hold her down!"
"Newt get her arms"
I started kicking and thrashing around as the gladers started to pin me down. "Get away from me, don't touch me! Go away!" I screamed. I felt a small needle go into my arm and I once again passed out.
"Why do we have to keep them in these? Won't it kill them?" I asked.
I watched as Gally was shoved into a large tube full of water. "stop! Megan, don't let them do this!" He yelled. I looked away. "It's all part of WICKED." someone said. I looked up to see Thomas. I turned to see Newt banging from the inside of his tube. He was drowning. I knew that. I don't want to do this but I have to. Teresa put her hand on my shoulder. "Remember Megan, WICKED is good" I flinch away and went up to the elevator which led to outside. I pushed the button which lead me up to the main floor. Then I walked down the hall to the main exit. The sun blinded me when I got outside. "Excuse me miss, but I'm afraid I'll have to come with you. For your safety." one of the guards said to me. I nodded and continued walking. suddenly, I saw a group of people running towards me. It took me some time to realize that it was cranks. They got closer and closer. "Run!" The gaurd said. I ran back into the building. "Cranks! Cranks are coming!" I yelled. soon dozen of guards ran outside and started shooting them. suddenly, a crank pushed me up against the wall, it's hand closed tightly on my throat. "Join us!" It yelled in my face. "Join us!"
I woke up to see that I was in the same bed. I turned to my left to see Chase sitting in a chair, sleeping with his head down on the bed. It was freezing in here! What the heck? I slowly sat up. My whole body was numb. I looked out the window to see that almost everyone was asleep. Chase stirred in his sleep making me automatically lay back down.He lifted his head and when he saw me he engulfed me in a giant bear hug. "oh my god, Megan!" He said. He was starting to pull away but I said "No,no,no,no,no, it's freezing and you're really warm." I said. he laughed as he allowed me to pull him onto the bed. He then wrapped a blanket around both of us and I snuggled up against him. "Better?" He asked. I nodded "yeah, thank you." I buried my face in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Its one of the symptoms of the serum we gave you." He explained. I slowly started to drift off to sleep.
Chase's P.O.V
I woke up to see that Megan was awake. I'm so happy that she's ok! I immediately gave her a huge hug. "oh my god, Megan!" I said. I started to pull away when she hugged me tighter. "no, no, no, no, no. it's freezing and you're really warm." She said. I laughed and I sat in the bed with her. I reached for a blanket at the end of the bed and wrapped it around us. Megan snuggled up against me. I chuckled "Better?" I asked. "Yeah, thank you." she replied. She then buried her face in my neck and wrapped her arms around my torso, causing me to stiffen up but then relax. "I'm sorry." Megan said and moved away from me. "No, it's fine,really. it's ok." I said a little too quickly. "ok." she said and snuggled back up against me and once again buried her face in my neck.
I stayed awake while Megan slowly drifted off to sleep. I rested my head back and stared outside for a little while until I got a little hungry. I slowly started to get up out of Megan's arms. It started working until she pulled me back into the bed. "No, please stay." she said sleepily. I sighed and waited till she fell asleep again then I once again slowly got out of the bed.
I succeeded and went downstairs for something to eat. I saw Newt at a table. I got a sandwich and sat in front of him. He looked stressed. "Newt, you ok?" I asked taking a bite of my sandwich. He sighed. "This whole bloody maze is so complicated and stressful. I mean 4 days ago Megan was stung by a Griever, in the day, and today the creators didn't send any supplies up. No food, no building materials, nothing." he explained. "Well the creators sometimes send the supplies late. maybe they're sending the supplies tomorrow." I said.
"I don't know. Everything changed ever since Megan got here. I'm not blaming her for this but aren't you the least bit worried?" He asked me. "Honestly, yes. I'm worried about what the creators are going to throw at us next but I know that we are all going to get through it." I said. I finished up my sandwich and stood up to go back upstairs. "I'm about to hit the hay, see you in the morning." I sat and patted Newt's back before I started walking upstairs. "Thanks Chase, me too." He said. I went into the room Megan was in. As I walked towards the bed, I was thinking about how I'm going to get back into bed without waking her. As soon as I sat on the bed get eyes snapped open. "I knew it! That's why I was so cold! You left?! It's freezing you know!" She said to me. "It's not cold, it's just a symptom of the serum, and I was hungry. so I went downstairs to get something to eat--" I explained but was cut off when Megan hit me with a pillow.
"Hey!" I said and threw the pillow back at her. She laughed then yawned. "Chase" she whined. "It's cold" she said dramatically. I rolled my eyes jokingly and sat next her. She immediately snuggled up to me once again and wrapped her arms around me. "Chase?" Megan said. "yeah." I replied. "Are we ever going to get of here?" She asked. I thought long and hard on that question. I really didn't know if we were going to get out of here. "yeah, one day we are" I lied. Megan held me tighter. Before I fell asleep Megan said, "You don't want to remember our old life."

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