Chapter 4

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I'm sorry but this chapter is going to be a little longer than I usually write. I'm am also trying to update quicker. Thank you so much for continuing to read my book. Enjoy, guys!

Someone shook me awake, but it wasn't Newt. It was a short, pudgy, little boy. "Hi, my name's Chuck." he said smiling holding out his hand. I took his hand and shook it. "Megan." I said. "Newt told me to hang with you today while he goes with the other runners." Chuck said. I forgot that Newt was a runner. It looked like a lot of work running back and forth in the maze. "C'mon, you're already late." Chuck said. "For what" I asked. "For breakfast." he replied already heading to homestead. I slowly stood up and followed.


"So, what do you want to eat?" Frypan asked popping his head out of the kitchen door. "A sandwich I guess." I said. In about two minutes Frypan brought out a cheese sandwich then went back to work. I bit into the sandwich enjoying the deliciousness. Maybe this new life isn't so bad, I thought.

Newt's P.O.V

I ran down a long corridor, then made a left, then a right. I ran faster each turn. I thought about Megan. Is she ok? Is anyone being nice to her? Is Chuck there with her? Do I have feelings for her?! I looked around the corner to see a griever, slowly turn a corner. Great, just my luck. As I turned the corner, with a spear ready in my hand, it was gone. I tried not to think of it for so long. People back in the glade were starting to get angry that I'm on Megan's side and that I didn't think she was helping the creators. After an hour or so I had reached the end if my section. Time to go home. Back to disagreements, yelling, blaming. In the last corridor that lead into the glade I stopped. I looked up at the wall and walked towards it. I started climbing. No more disagreements, I thought. I won't have to stay here anymore. It was probably been half an hour and I'm already half way. I look down and realized how far up I am. My arms and legs ache but I continued climbing. I'll be free, I thought. No more running, no more grievers, no more Glade, no more maze. I finally made it to the top. I looked down and saw the glade. It looked very small from up here. I saw Megan walk out of the Homestead with Chuck laughing. I hope she will be ok. I closed my eyes. I'll finally be free. I smiled and let myself fall. I felt the wind in my face. Falling off the wall felt like all the pressure was floating away. Suddenly my foot got caught in a crack in the wall. My ankle made a large cracking sound and twisted in a very uncomfortable way. I yelled in pain as I hung from my ankle. "Why!? I want to die!? Why won't you let me!?" I yelled out loud wishing that the creators heard me. The pain in my ankle was unbearable. I held onto a vine so I could take some pressure off my foot. I was able to grab my foot with my hand and pull it out from in between the stone slabs, but the vine slipped out of my hands. As I fell I got tangled in some vines that were growing on the wall. My injured foot banged against the wall as I hung sending a shock of pain throughout my whole leg. I yelled out in pain once more. Darkness was slowly surrounding me as I passed out.

Megan's P.O.V

I sat and watched as the runners came into the glade. The walls were closing soon. I looked for Newt, but he wasn't there. I was getting really worried. After I waited a few more minutes I got up and ran toward homestead. I saw Alby sitting with some gladers having dinner. "Alby!" I yelled. Everyone looked up. "Newt's not here! He's not back yet!" I yelled. Alby got up before I finished my last sentence. He turned to me and said "check the north door." with that I ran toward the door that led to the maze. But when I got there, tears started forming in my eyes. Newt was tangled in some vines on the wall. He was covered in cuts and bruises but his ankle looked badly injured. "no! no,no,no! Newt, come on wake up!" I shouted. "Alby!!!!!, Alby!!!!!" I said as loud as I could. I saw him turn around and run towards me but he was so far away. I couldn't wait. I started climbing the wall until I got to Newt. I took out a knife sticking out of his pocket and started to cut the vines with one hand. There were only two vines left but they were too far. I thought for a moment. Then I climbed down a few inches. I wrapped my arms around Newt and pulled. The vines that held him were ripping apart. I heard someone shouting something from below but I ignored it. I gave one last big tug and the vines finally snapped. Knowing that this would hurt I braced my self as we fell. When I hit the ground I landed flat on my back. I felt like I have been stabbed and was hit by a truck. And of course since Newt fell on top of me he didn't feel a thing. "Newt..... you... owe So badly...." I said as I gasped for air since I got the wind knocked out of me. "What were you thinking! What is wrong witl you!" Alby said glaring down at me. Anger rushed through me. I gently pushed newt off of me as I laid there glaring at Alby. I slowly stood up dusting myself off. At least we only fell a few feet, I thought and what's his problem?!. When the two other gladers arrived, one of them checked his breathing while other gladers gathered around us. "He's still breathing, he is just unconscious." one boy said. "Clint, Jeff, carry Newt into the homestead and give him the first room." Alby said. "good that." Clint and Jeff both said. "Jeff grab his legs" Clint said as he grabbed Newts upper body. "one... two... three" Clint said as both Jeff and Clint lifted Newt up into the air. They probably thought Newt was heavier than they expected because they almost flung him up into the air. I almost yelled at them to be careful, but I just followed them into homestead.


Back at the homestead, Jeff was fixing Newts cuts and Clint was bandaging Newts ankle. I did everything I could to help. I got the first aid kit, I got fresh water every once in a while, and I helped Jeff with Newt's cuts and bruises. Now, it was just me, Clint and Newt. "So what do you think happened to him?" I asked. "I don't know." Clint replied. I sighed and looked down at Newt. Tears started forming in my eyes again. How did this happen? Who did this to him? Why did this happen to Newt?, I asked myself. "Well, there's nothing else we can do but wait t'ill he wakes up. I'm about to go to bed." Clint said as he stood up. "Is he going to be ok?" I asked Clint. "He should be ok. I'm not sure if he can be a runner for a long time though. He broke a pretty important bone in his ankle." He replied as he left the room. I decided to sleep on a chair next to Newt's bed. I can't leave him, I thought to myself. So I grabbed an extra blanket I saw in the next room and wrapped myself in it as I sat in the chair. I pulled my legs up to my chest and fell asleep.

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