Chapter 8

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The next day Newt shook me awake. I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head only to have Newt pull them off. "c'mon you have to meet up with one of the bloody keepers today, remember?" he said. I groaned again. Newt sat at the end of me. He then picked up my ankles and dragged me towards him. "C'mon sleepyhead." he said. I finally gathered enough strength to get up. I yawned and tried to stand but I fell back down. "can you drag me there" I said tired. "I can't but Minho can" he said. "Deal." I said. I heard Newt call Minho over. I then felt someone take my blanket off of me. I opened my eyes to see Minho spread out my blanket next to me. He then picked me up and put me on it. I then saw him grab my feet and drag me toward the blood-house. "ugh, do I have to go?" I asked. "yes" Minho and Newt replied at the same time. When we finally arrived at the blood-house I forced myself to stand up. "Yay!" I heard Newt say. Suddenly, I saw Winston walk out of the large barn. The way he walked out made it seem like the keeper liked his job way too much. "Winston is the keeper here." Newt explained. Winston held his hand out but I didn't take it. At the gathering he was against me. Now he wants to be my friend? Newt limped over to stand next to me. "Clint wants to check out my ankle. See if it's getting better. Meet me by the box at sunset." he said to me. I nodded and watched as Minho helped him over to Homestead. I sighed, trying to prepare for the hard work coming to me.

Winston showed me around for the first hour. He explained which pens held which animals. A cute black lab named Bark walked beside me for the entire tour. Winston explained that Bark was always there and they don't know where he came from. For the second hour I actually worked with the farm animals. Feeding, cleaning, fixing a fence, scraping up klunk. I found myself using the Glader terms more and more. For the third hour I had to watch Winston slaughter a pig in the barn and begin preparing its parts for future eating. I just watched in disgust. Even
Bark ran outside. Later that day I found a tree in the deadheads on the edge of the forest. I sat and leaned against the thick trunk. I sighed wishing I didn't have to go back to working with Winston. I closed my eyes and my breathing was slow and calm. "hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I jumped up and saw Chuck standing in front of me. "Seriously?! I said. "Newt wanted me to check up on you-" he said but I cut him off. "well, tell him I'm fine!" I said. With that Chuck ran off into the direction of the homestead. "What the-" I said quietly to myself I shook off all the questions in my head and walked back toward the blood-house.


At sunset I sat next to the box and waited for Newt. Why did he ask chuck to check up on me? This wasn't the first time he has done this. I saw Newt limp over to me, Startling me and making me almost fall backwards. "Boy, we need to get you a bell" I said jokingly. Newt just shrugged. "So in a few more days we will be getting a new person in the glade?" I asked. "yup." Newt said. "Since your the first bloody girl in the glade, we don't know what gender the greenie is gonna be." "I wonder how we can get out of here..." I said. "we'll figure it put eventually...." Newt said. He cleared his throat as if he wanted to change the subject. "So.... how was the blood-house?" he asked. "ugh!" I said. "I guess that means bad." he said. I laughed a little. I feel like I could talk about anything when I'm around Newt. He is one of the few people that were really nice to me. Wait! do I have feelings for him?! I looked up at the sky. The once bright orange sky turned into a deep, dark blue. Newt and I walked over to a tree at the edge of the deadheads and sat down. I was so tired, I could keep my eyes open. I fought the urge to sleep. I wanted to stay up with Newt and just talk but sleep finally won sending me into a dark abyss.

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