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He was cute and his scent sweet like candy. His sleeping expression reminded of a kitten somehow. Ming was currently taking in Kit's features when he noticed this. Of course, a perfect nickname came into Ming's mind. Kitkat.

Meanwhile, the sleeping kit was taking in the air around him through his nose when a nice and pleasing sent hit it. It wasn't sweet, but it seemed fresh like walking through a forest after the rain just vanished. Somewhat like fresh air and leaves. It was Adicating for Kit. But what made it even more addicting was the slight smell of blood and something that send like darkness through the room. It was indescribable for the small male.

Slowly he opened his eyes taking in the sights right before him. The kit was not fully awake by now and only saw Ming sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard watching him. "Am I dreaming?" The sleepy male asked rubbing his eyes like a little child that just woke up. "I don't know what you mean? We just married and it's time for our wedding night now. So let me fuck you?" Ming was smirking, of course not expecting it to work but it was just too funny for him.
Kit's eyes went wide open, now fully awake, he would never even dream about that... would he? Kit decided on a cold and harsh tone and said "die" simply and then turned around. "I wish I could" Ming blurred put making Kit almost gasp "what?"
"What?" Both said, somewhat shocked. Kit turned to face Ming. Both looked deep in echother eyes. "Fuck now?"Ming broke the moment harshly. "What the fuck? Never ever would I sleep with you!!" Kit set his statement. "But you already did!" Mingsiinnocentve to it just made kit angrier.

"What, no that can't be!" Kit looked under his covers, to see himself completely dressed. "Lyier" kit stated than turned away from Ming again. "I don't like you saying that KitKat! I didn't like to you, we were sleeping in one bed!" Ming smirked and chuckled on his own words. He made puppy-dog eyes and smiled at Kit at the same time as he turned once more.

"Can you like to get out now!" Kit pointed to the door. "Fine let's go" Ming simply picked up kit bridal style. "Let me down you perverted lizard! " kit yelled meanwhile struggling to get free. "No, we need to do our job now KitKat" Ming sighted at the disobedient boy. "I go with Phana thank you" kit finally got down and turned around facing his back to Ming. " He made teams Kitkat and he is with Wayo now, you'ree with me and waits... I forgot the rest actually. I was toddistractive the thought about your beautiful face" Ming suddenly wrapped his arms around kit's petty waist.b

ed faced kit simply smacked his arms away and asked:: "did you find something yet then?". "Yes, you and I spottedddedthe Wolfe's earlier again. Phana agreed to help us with that first" the taller smirked at Kit and the other sighted in defeat. "Can we go now than KitKat?" Kit snapped in Mings direction growling "Yes I can, you walk and call me that one more time and you won't come with anyone anymore" Ming just chuckled at his try to frighten him. But kit just rushed off before he could say anything else. The older sat in his car and speeded off. "Team up with yourselfasswipe. Walk there" kit mumbled to himself. "3garid insult kitty. But you see I rather drive with you" a voice echoed through the car and black smoke apart. It slowly formed a person. Than Ming apart seconds after the smoke vanished. "What the fuck is that" kit yelled.
But Ming didn't answer and just looked outside the window. So they were driving in silence.

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