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Phana looked at him, as the others slowly left, Pha dicided to finally make a move. "Yo" he spoke up casually. Even if his heart was pounding in his chest. "Yes?" Wayo answered coldly, he tryed to show no emotions. Simply because he couldnt discripe what he was feeling. His heart was pounding in his chest, it was hard to speak and his stomach felld like it was filled with butterfly's. Phana could hear his heart pounding and smirked "So cute... little guy" he mumbled not meaning to let the other hear but he did. "I know what you are trying to do Pha. But i am not a angel anymore. I am fallen so no need to try make me feel because I do now." Yo turned to lefe but the stopt him. He looked at Yo and as he saw the tears slowly brimming in his eyes his heart stopt. "Where is youre buddy Ming?" The try to distract yo was working for both there sakes. "He is with youre brother Kit... they might have some fun!" Yo smirked teasingly.

"He wouldent dare... this stupid little... Kit is my brother... so Ming would be to scared" Phana  grind his teeth clearly angry at the moment but yo wasn't faced at all.
"You dont now him that well... he isn't scared of anything! He is a Dragon formor dragons might been peaceful... but Ming and Iwa aren't they are killers!" Yo said coldly.
"What... would he kill Kit...!?" Pha asks now he was really concerned  "He tried before so... he might!" Yo says now concerned written on his features too. Both curse and made there way to Kits apartment.

They stop infront of Kits apartment.
"I smell..." Pha coudent even finish what i just said as he was to scared that Kit could be hurt. "Blood and do you hear screams!?" Yo finishes his  santance for him. "Both banged the door and Pha yelled "KIT... ARE YOU OK!?". For a moment it was silent than he heared kit's voice  "Pha... I'm ahhh... Okay... holy fuck... I'm more than okay..." Kit half moans. "You dont sound like it..." Yo bit his lip now even more concerned.
"No... ahhh... I'm fine just a bit sleepy and might be a bit ill... no... ahhh" he half moans again.

"Kit... i come inside!" Pha warned and got a quick response from Kit  "No... Pha dont... ahh..." he moans again.  They bang the door open and sliped inside Kits room, the smell of blood was gone. Pha was sure he never seen kit with a room that clean before. Kit sat on a chair breathing heavy and looking throu hodded eyes. "What happend !?" Both boy's blurred out in pure concern. "Nothing. I acshully fell of my chair when i tryed to clean and yeah it cind a hurt but I am good now. But i would like to rest cam you two lefe please." kit cind of pushed them out and shut  the door  behind them.

Pha and Yo looked at echother than sighted. "Now i need a drink! Yo come with me" Phana instructed. "Fine..." Yo sighted but smiled at Pha. He smiled. Phanas heart sciped a beat at that. They made there way to a nearby bar meeting Beam and Iwa on there way and the four drank, talked and just had fun.


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