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Kit feeld weak and even if he still tryed to get the guy away from him it didn't work. He was kissing Kit's neck and stroking his member, enjoying kit's pleading to stop and his constant crying. Kit subtly feeld something like his thigh and he knew what it was. 'No he is hard... please help me... someone... i will do anything... when someone helps me... please... Ming... why aren't you here when i need you... i need you... help me!' Kit thought crying and sobbing louder. He started to unbutton his shirt. When he looked at Kit smirking "It won't hurt Kit, i promise... it will feel so good..." the older male said half moaning as he walked himself throu his boxers. "Please help me... please Ming!" That was it kit really screamed his name. But it wasn't like he didn't know the fact that he won't even help him. He will maby even watch and laugh.

He didn't relive that the room got darker and the air thinker, until a dark voice spoke up it sounded more like growl but was clear to understand still "...dont You dare touch him!!" The voice was familiar and somehow claimed Kit. Ming.

"How can you even be he-" the guy was about to finish, but kit only feeld something spilled on Kits body. The smallest turned to see blood every where. Kits room was dark and the dark magic was even managed to be feeld. The other Vampire was dead. His face not to identify anymore. Ming's hands where covert in blood and his eyes where closed in a sharp green. His eyes where shure looking like dragons eyes.

That was when the other Vampire started chocking, he was still alive?

"Run... or i might lose all my control... and kill you!" Ming was cold and

"I am not scared... and he is my boyfriend so don't interrupt us..!" He shivers wile saying that

"You aren't and i can kill you... I'm the Dragon of death... so if you want to die I will grand you youre wish! And make you suffer in hell!!" He says cold but in the same time angry

The other Vampire runes off...
And i glare at him scared too

"Kit... you ok!?" He says concerned while turning back to his complete human form
"..." i couldent say anything or open my mouth I'm to scared off him

Even if he saved me...

"I was really concerned... i wont leave you again...!" He says
"No... no need to..." i wisper

"You are scared... you might not now but... we now echother before... you were a little Vampire back then...!" He tyres to make me comfort my self

"Do... we now echother... really?" I ask
"Yes, i looked a bit diverend back then... i was in my real form... i got hurt on the first war... this war killed all dragons... only Iwa, my little brother and me... we were the last ones that lived thro it..." he says sad

And sits on the floor leaning on my bed... my fear was still there but not that bad so i sit beside him


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