Chapter 20

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David's pov:

Rachel: well hello David
David: hi Rachel
Liza: come on let's get this over and done with
She takes my hand and we walk into her grandfathers house.
Rachel: it looks like a load of old boxes
Liza: of course why do you think mom and dad left it to us
David: what are you even looking for
Rachel: anything with value or sentimental value
Liza: well let's start then
She lifts up some boxes from the closet and moves them into the front room with my help.
We sort through finding only papers and pictures.
Liza: have you been in his office yet?
Rachel: no I'm kind of scared to
David: why?
Liza: we were never allowed in there when we were young once Rachel did and she got shouted at
David: well he's not here to shout now
Rachel: still, bad memories
She says with a nervous laugh.
Liza: we'll go in there then
She laces our hands and tugs me into the office.
Liza: can you go through his shelf I'll check the desk
I start to sift through the shelves finding trophies and random books.
Liza: David?...
David: yeah
I stay focused looking at random certificates.
Liza: what was your grandfathers name?
David: why?
I slowly turn to look at her, a shocked look on her small face. She hold out a thin and slightly old looking paper.
David: Joseph...
I look at the $300,000 cheque with my grandfathers name signed on it.
Liza: this is the proof we need, he paid it and we can tell them
David: I-I I don't even know what to say
Liza: Rachel!
Rachel: what did you find a gun?
She jokes, Liza passes her the slip of paper and Rachel's expression changes.
Rachel: $300,000 that how much the dobriks owe, from... Joseph dobrik
She looks up at Liza and moves her gaze to me.
Rachel: this is the best thing I've ever seen
David: maybe we can end this feud now
Liza: how do we even tell them
Rachel: to tell them we have to get them in the same place at the same time
David: but then all hell will break loose before we even get a chance to tell
Liza: well then we need a good plan don't we

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