chapter 15

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chapter 15,
"you've put on weight."

"the king has arrived," seongwoo announces as he steps into my room with a handful of snacks, tossing a few over to my as i struggled to catch hold of the bags of chips

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"the king has arrived," seongwoo announces as he steps into my room with a handful of snacks, tossing a few over to my as i struggled to catch hold of the bags of chips.

"what are you doing here," i snickered as i cleared my assignment infested desk to give him some space to place the snacks he got.

he only grinned at me and grab hold of my laptop, turning it on as if it was his, rummaging through random websites, looking for a movie, "let's go back, to when we were younger," he simply says while he made himself comfortable on my bed.

i raise my eyebrows at him, not really understanding his words.

he rolled his eyes and he pat the little space next to him, signaling me to squeeze in the little space next to him, "you said you miss me didn't you? let's spend more time together then."

i do not even know how and why but those words just made the butterflies in my stomach flutter. it has been a while since he has ever said something so sincerely to me and the fact that is is about patching back our broken friendship, makes me feel nothing but warmth.

i smiled as i packed my homework aside and grabbed the bag of chips, taking a seat next to him as he picked out a movie. the little space between us only made everything even more intimate, as if those months of awkwardness had disappeared, the many times i got angry at him were nonexistent and the mean names he always called me meant nothing to me.

"geez, you've put on weight."

okay, i take my words back, his spiteful comments still do annoy me.

he plays the movie, one of my favourite classics, beauty and the beast.

the evening went by, it was nice. really nice.

no arguments, no exchange of fists, no anger, no nothing.

just seongwoo and i, spending some time together.

in that dimly lit room of mine, the only source of light coming from my laptop screen, the only source of sound coming from the played movie and weirdly the only source of warmth that chilly night was from  the boy right next to me.

maybe it was because i was getting tired as my eyes started to feel droopy while my head fell towards the side and i was starting to give in to my mind's invite to dream land but i could hear seongwoo's faint voice in the midst of all my distracted thoughts.

"i'm sorry, haein-ah."

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