Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Flattening my back against the rough, graffiti-covered brick wall, I breathed hard with fright, my heart drumming away in my chest. After a second, I slowly and carefully sneaked a look around the corner to see if they were there, whilst trying to remain unobserved.

They weren't.

Returning to my original position, I desperately tried to recollect myself. Then, taking one last cautious look, and inhaling one last deep breath, I hurried around the corner of the wall, and broke into a run, making a desperate attempt to get to the school door, without the ambush that I knew deep down was inevitable.

Suddenly, a foot appeared out of nowhere, entangling with my rushing legs, and sending me flying. For a brief moment it seemed as if time had slowed, as my feet parted company with the ground and appeared to hover magically. But in a split second, Gravity had reestablished it's cruel reign and I fell to the floor with a crash, my books flying out of my bag and scattering on the floor.

I could already feel blood dripping from the side of my face, where I had fallen hard on the harsh, unwelcoming concrete. Gritting my teeth with the pain, I looked up, barely breathing with fright.

They were there now.

I was surrounded by Alex and his gang, the things of my nightmares.

"Well, well. Look what we have here boys," said a low voice, dripping with sarcasm. "It's a little worm. Good to see it is down on the floor where it belongs!" Several of the group laughed at this comment. I'd spent long hours trying to work out why they had such a sick sense of humour as to find this funny. My only conclusion was that their own fear of Alex drove them to it - fear warps the mind and makes a person do unimaginable things.

"Where were you off to, worm?" Another snide remark was shot in my direction. I didn't trust myself to reply, knowing from unfathomable amounts of experience that it usually resulted only in the situation worsening further. I just looked at the ground, doing all I could to stop myself from shaking with fear.

"Just as I suspected," the voice continued. "There really is nothing in that hollow little head of hers. Except of course when she's playing teacher's pet, and flaunting her knowledge for all to see, the little bitch."

To accompany this, a foot jammed hard into my stomach, winding me, and sending a shockwave of pain through my aching body. Gasping for breath, I curled into a ball, trying to reduce the impact of any further attacks.

This did little to help.

A huge hand stretched down from above me, wrapped its sticky fingers around a chunk of my long hair, and yanked me up to my feet, causing me to cry out in pain.

This was fatal - any noise or response to their attacks only acted as motivation.

I could feel the eyes of other people hovering around school starting to bore into me now, watching the events unfold like an entertainment show in front of them. I hated it when people stared at me, it made my situation even worse.

Alex towered over me, a menacing smile spread wide on his face. His eyes contained their usual manic glint, as his lips parted, ready to give the next order as to what to do with me.

As if sent by God himself, the school bell chose this moment to awake from its dormant silence, its chimes echoing around the corridors, audible even from outside the building.

With a roll of his eyes, Alex advanced close to me. "This can wait till later," he drooled in my ear, "You'd better watch out at lunch."

With that final threat, he pushed me into the wall, my head slapping against the bricks that had only minutes before acted as my concealment and aide. Him and his gang sloped off towards the door, leaving me sobbing, collapsed on the floor.


Hi :)

Thanks for reading, I hope you like it so far....

I just wanted to say a huge thanks to @998flawsandcounting for making the cover :)

Anyways, enjoy :D

(I'm in the process of updating, editing and adding to this story at the moment. I wrote it about 5 years ago, so it naturally needs a bit of improving, but I hope you still enjoy it, thanks for reading :) )

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