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*Sin's POV*

  "Sin? You okay? You don't look so good." My sister Jealousy (weird name, I know) helped to hold me up since I was basically swaying on my feet. I shook my head. "I drank too much..." I mumbled.

  "Let's get you out of the crowd, okay?" she said, trying to lead me away from people. We were at the Motionless In White show, and the venue had a bar, so I had flirted with this guy to buy me a few drinks.

  "This is why we wait till we're 21." Jealousy sighed, taking me to an area by a door that led to outside; some alley, I think. "I don't care, I'll be fine." I denied. She shook her head, causing a few strands of her blue and pink hair to fall in her face.

  Jealousy crossed her eyes to look at them, and blew them up, but they fall right back. I giggled at her as she repeated the effort, unsuccessfully.

  I suddenly felt like I was going to be sick, and I threw open the door to the alley, where I raced over to a trash can and threw up in it. I really needed to get better at holding my liquor.

  Jealousy hadn't followed, and I guessed she either was on the phone with her boyfriend, or was still fidgeting with her hair. I threw up again, and felt someone pull my hair back. "It's okay, take it easy." the person said, and I jumped.

  Chris Motionless stepped back, trying not to alarm me. "Sorry about the scare," he chuckled, "I just thought I would see if you're okay." I stared at him in shock for a moment, before throwing up.again.

  "Fuck..." I groaned, and Chris rubbed my back. "Just relax, you're okay." he said softly.

  I growled and shook him off. "I don't need your pity or help." I spat at him, standing upright. He frowned and asked if I'm usually an angry drunk. "I'm a chill drunk, I just don't accept people's help." I answered.

  I heard the door to the venue open and my name being called, and I knew it was Jealousy. "Oh Sin, there you are!" she chirped and walked over to me. "You done?" she asked.

  "You're with her?" Chris asked Jealousy. "Well yeah, she IS my sister." Jealousy smirked, not even fully acknowledging Chris Motionless was standing in front of us. She was almost a bigger fan than I was. Almost.

  "Some sister!" Chris scoffed. "She was out here throwing up, and where were you? Not here." Jealousy put on her best bitch face and said, "I don't think that's any of your fucking business."

  I smacked her in the arm. "Fuck you, he was just making sure I was okay. And you love him anyways." I growled at her. "I did, till I found out he's a nosy jackass."

  With that, Jealousy flipped her hair behind her shoulders and walked away, presumably to my car to wait for me. "Sorry for... her. Jealousy likes to live up to her name."  I apologized.

  "Her name is Jealousy?" Chris asked, looking confused, "And yours is?"


"Sin like devil sin?"

"Oh yeah. Satanist parents."

"That's fucking crazy."

  I giggled at him. He was silly, but definitely a sweetheart. "Did you like the show?" Chris asked, leading me to a bench to sit. I nodded. "You guys are always absolutely amazing. And you play your best here in Scranton, like you're trying to make us proud."

  Chris chuckled softly as he said, "I kinda am." He looked away and ran a hand through his wet, ink-black hair. He still had sweat dripping down his neck from playing, and I wasn't surprised.

  I used to be in a band myself about three years ago, but our bassist and screamer, Lagyan, quit to focus on school. Then our drummer, Lucare, quit to focus on work. That just left me and Jealousy, and we decided to call it. I still loved singing, though.

  "Scranton is already super proud, as is every other fan." I told him, "You don't need to try." He turned to face me again, looking at me like a lost child, and asked "You too?"

  I nodded. "I'm proud of anyone who has had a rough time in life that doesn't let it bring them down or hold them back."

  He smiled and put his hand on mine, and I scooted away. "What's wrong?" he asked me, seeming hurt.

  "I don't let people in, I don't trust them. Not when I don't know them." I said, not wanting to meet his pained gaze. "Hey, you're part of the Motionless family. You know me." he said, and I shook my head.

  "Not really, I know of you. I watch you sing, I watch your interviews, but I've never really been around you. I don't know you. I can't just let you in." I said, wishing I could allow myself to NOT be so brutally honest for once.

  "Do you think I could maybe take you for coffee sometime, then?" Chris asked, "Nothing fancy, but we could just talk a bit, get to know each other."

  I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

11:22 pm

  Jealousy and I had to be home, walking into the house, by 12, and our house was 20 minutes from here. "We'll see." I said with a sigh, standing to walk to my car. I knew Jealousy liked to be early.

  "Wait, how will I find you again?" Chris asked, following me. I thought, then said, "I can always give you my number, I guess..." Chris beamed.

  He took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me, and I put my number in, then gave it back. "Can I text you tomorrow?" he asked, and was met with a shrug. "Do what you will. Nice meeting you." I said, then walked to my car.

*Chris's POV*

  I watched Sin walk away, her long, wavy, black hair swishing over her hips, just barely long enough to reach.

  She was a truly beautiful girl, with her small frame, very pale skin, and spiderbites. I don't normally care what other people wear, but her lowcut, black tanktop, and tight red skirt looked absolutely amazing on her. Though I would've preferred her without them.

  I couldn't wait to talk to her tomorrow.

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