Talking, Reluctantly

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*Sin's POV*

  I didn't wake up till almost one in the afternoon the next day, and thanks to Jealousy forcing me to drink water, I only had a slight headache.

  I checked my Facebook and thought of A-M-E-R-I-C-A.

We upload our status

And beg for attention

  I chuckled at the thought, then went and showered. When I got out, I dried off and wrapped myself in a towel, then went back into my room in time to receive a text.

Unknown: hey there :-)

Sin: who is this?

Unknown: its Chris :-P

Sin: oh, hey

I set my phone down and walked over to my closet, where I pulled out a purple tanktop, black leather vest, and light purple skinnies with dark purple paint splattters from me.

  I dressed, brushed my hair, and checked my phone.

Chris: how r u?

Sin: good, u?

I put on the Dead Kennedys, then pulled out my makeup. I stared at it all for a minute or two, contemplating what to do. I decided on black and purple eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Simple.

  I heard the smoke alarm start going off and rolled my eyes. Most people would be concerned by that, but I knew better. It just meant my parents were doing their crazy Satanic shit. I checked my phone again.

Chris: im good. do u maybe feel up 4 coffee today? ;-)

Sin: idk, if u want

Chris: its ur choice :-)

Sin: well u want 2, so I guess y not?

Chris: meet me at the Starbucks?

Sin: sure. c u there

  I grabbed my car keys and wallet, turned off my music player, and lastly grabbed my phone. I walked out of my room and knocked on Jealousy's door.

"Come in!"

  I opened the door and asked if she needed anything since I was going out.

"New parents?"

"I fucking wish. Anything else?"

"Nope. Where are you headed?"

"Starbucks. See ya. Love you."

"Love you too."

  I hurried out of the house before my parents noticed me. I jumped in my car and drove to the Starbucks, which was only a five minute drive.

  I got there before Chris, so I ordered a hot chocolate, then went and sat. He walked in a minute after my drink was ready, and looked disappointed.

  "I thought the point was that I was buying." Chris said, sitting down. "Told you. Don't take pity or help." I said in a monotone. "You definitely sound like you're in a good mood." he joked, trying to lighten things.

  "About as good as it gets." I told him with full seriousness. He, however, thought I was joking. He laughed, and excused himself to order a drink.

  I sipped my hot chocolate till he came back. "So, what would you like to talk about?" Chris asked. I shrugged. "Dunno. You?"

  "Tell me more about yourself." Chris suggested.

"Like what?"

"What are some of your interests?"

"Bands, sleep, my phone, singing, writing, and drawing. You?"

"Hockey, chicken wings, music, Starbucks."

  "The music and Starbucks makes you sound like a white girl." I smirked, making him laugh. "Kindof!" he giggled in agreement.

  I gave him a weird look. He was acting almost like a teenager in a way, with a puppy dog crush. Not the kind of person I want to be around. But even still, I was beyond attracted to him. He was just... so hauntingly perfect.

*Chris's POV*

  Something seemed off with Sin, but I told myself that she was just hungover. I heard someone say my coffee was ready, so I went and got it, then came back.

  Sin looked beautiful today as well, just more casual. I was glad she hadn't tried to overdo her look like a lot of girls do. "So what movies do you like?" I asked.

  "Romance and anime." she said. I stuck my tongue out. "Romance, God no." I groaned, and she scowled. "As fucking if. I like horror, fuck that sappy shit." Sin said.

  "Oh thank God!" I breathed in a sigh of relief. She frowned at me, then sipped her drink. I couldn't help but feel like she didn't want to be here.

  "I never said I don't." Sin told me, and I realized I had said that out loud. "Sorry, you just don't seem happy to be here. More like bothered." I responded.

  She shrugged. "It's whatever." It was my turn to frown. "It's kinda obvious you don't want to. If you were opposed, why come?" I asked her.

  "You wanted me to." Sin answered matter-of-factly. I was somewhat hurt by that, but tried to play it off like I wasn't. "But I don't want you doing something that makes you unhappy."

  "So I'm allowed to stop breathing, then?" Sin snapped at me. She stood up and walked out, leaving her drink on the table. I stayed in my seat, frozen in shock.

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