So Together, But...

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*Ricky's POV*

  "Sin! Jealousy! Wait!" I hurried to catch them before they drove off in Sin's car. Jealousy motioned for me to move faster, so I took off in a full run to the car and climbed in the back seat.

  "I'm surprised you're coming with." Sin said quietly, and I could hear in her voice that she was crying. "I'm not staying if that's how he's gonna be." I told her, "Whenever Ashley comes around, he drops everything for her.

  "I thought maybe this time, since he was with you, he wouldn't, but I was wrong..." Jealousy turned around to look at me. "Did you know she was coming out?" She snapped, and I shook my head. "Not until she texted me at the table."

  She nodded and turned back around, putting a hand on Sin's shoulder. "Were they ever a thing?" Jealousy asked, and I told her they weren't. "She wishes though, honestly... I'm sorry Sin."

  Sin mumbled something, and I asked her to repeat it. "Does he want her?" she sobbed, driving faster now. "I... I don't know. Most of the time, it seems like they're just great friends, but occasionally they'll share a look that's more than that..." I answered, feeling sorry for her.

  I saw her bite her lip as.she drove faster, rain starting to fall outside. "Sin, slow down." Jealousy warned. Sin ignored her and sped up. "Sin... Sin, slow down!"

*Chris's POV*

  I was having a great time with Ash, not even thinking about anything other than her. We were discussing the video we planned to shoot, and I was super excited.

  We were going to shoot the music video for a song we recorded while I was briefly in California during the tour. She and I wrote it together, me for Sin, and I don't really know who Ash wrote it for.

  "So, I'm following you around at a masquerade, I drug you and tie you up, we bang, and then I kill you?" I relayed the idea. "Yeah, you rip my heart out." she giggled, tucking a red strand of hair behind her ear.

  I shrugged. "Sounds like me." She smiled warmly. "Chris, you're too sweet to rip anybody's heart out! Well, emotionally, at least." she told me, and I laughed. "Cuz I definitely would physically!" I said, and felt a tap on my shoulder.

  I turned around to see Balz facing me. "Where are Ricky and the girls?" he asked me. "Fuck if I know, they got pissy and took off." Balz frowned. "And you didn't ask where they were going?"


"Your girlfriend up and left, and you didn't ask?"

  "Your girlfriend?" Ash repeated. "Yeah, Sin is his girlfriend, did he not tell you that?" Ryan chimes in, glaring at me. I looked down sheepishly. "No, he didn't." Ash replied, looking disappointed.

  Balz smacked me in the back of the head, hard. "The fuck?!" I exclaimed, rubbing where he had hit. "You jackass!" Ryan said, "'They got pissy and took off,' Gee I wonder why!"

  "You dun fucked up, boy." Ghost mumbled, and I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry one of my best friends came out to say hello?" I growled at them. "Chris, I should go..." Ash said, starting to get up.

  I took her hand, preventing her from leaving. "No, stay, you didn't do anything wrong, Ash!" I pleaded with her. "He's right, Ashley. He did." Balz glared at me. I gave up. "On second thought," I said to Ash, "yeah, let's go."

  We walked out to her car and got in, but she didn't start it. "Why didn't you tell me she was your girlfriend? Isn't she the one you wrote your part of Angel Eyes for?" Ash asked, staring out the window.

  "Yeah, she is," I responded, "I just didn't think to introduce her that way, since we started dating right before I left for tour. You're the first person I've introduced her to since we got together."

  "Yeah, but Chris," Ash faced me, "that's your girlfriend, and you just referred to her as 'Jealousy's sister.' I can see why she got angry, some girl comes in and her boyfriend gets all excited about it, and doesn't even say she's his girlfriend? That's harsh."

  I sighed, knowing she was right. We sat in silence a bit longer, till Ash started the car. "Think she'll be at the house?" she asked me, pulling out of the parking lot. "Not sure, I'll call Ricky."

Ricky: What Chris?

Chris: Are you guys at the house?

Ricky: Yes, thank God.

Chris: What do you mean?

  Ash interrupted his answer, asking if they were home. I nodded at her.

Chris: Sorry, can you repeat that?

Ricky: (sighing) Sin kinda had a breakdown and almost got us in a wreck. We're all okay though, nothing and no one was hit.

Chris: Well good. Is Sin, is she okay?

Ricky: She hasn't spoken a word since a bit before we got home. She's been up in you guys' room, door locked.

Chris: ...I fucked up, didn't I?

Ricky: Yeah, you did.

  Ricky hung up the phone, and it took every ounce of strength I had to not cry. I loved her so much, and I just ruined her birthday, and may have lost her.

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