Let You In

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*Chris's POV*

  I watched as Sin walked in, and her eyes found me immediately. She looked absolutely breathtaking, in her form-fitting red top, and black skinnies.

  She had a black beanie on over perfectly curled hair, and the sight of her was so full of beauty it was almost hard to look upon her.

  She walked over and sat down, and I smiled. "Hey, Sin." I greeted her. "You want me to let you in?" Sin said gruffly. "You sure you want that?" I frowned. "'Oh hey Chris, how are you?' 'Oh I'm pretty good, and yourself?'"

  Sin glared at me. "I'm fine." she snapped. "Can I get you anything from here?" I asked her. She looked ready to snap at me again, and I could tell she was trying to make herself relax. "May I please have a Strawberries and Cream Frappacino?" she asked.

  I told her, "Of course! I'll be right back.", then went over and ordered her one, getting myself a Pumpkin Spice Latte, as usual. I sat back down, where she looked incredibly annoyed. "Sin? Are you sure everything is okay?" I asked, growing worried.

  "There's a table that way," she nodded behind me, "who keep giving me dirty looks." I turned and looked at them, and saw they were. "Oh fuck no." I said, starting to stand. "Chris stop." Sin ordered, and I sat down.

  "I'll be right back, I can fix it." Sin said with a mischievous smile. She stood and went into the bathroom. The fuck is she gonna do from there? She came back a minute later, as our drinks were ready.

  She grabbed them on her way over to me and sat down. "Let's see how they like me now." Sin said with a smirk. I noticed she had put in red contacts, and I laughed. "That is brilliant!"

  She ignored me, glaring past me at the rude people, and after a moment flashed a wicked smile. Another moment later, the same people ran out of the Starbucks. Sin grinned with satisfaction. "I love doing that." she chirped.

  "So," Sin began, once again serious, "you really want me to let you in? You're sure?" I nodded. "I want you to do whatever you're comfortable with, Sin." I answered, and she sighed.

  "Alright. I'll let you in. I was a fairly normal kid, my only thing was I never cried as a baby. Well I did, I just didn't make sound. I still made other baby noises though, I wasn't a mute.

  "Then when I was five, that's when I learned about my parents being Satanists. They wanted to do some weird ass spell, that I still haven't been able to figure out, no matter how much research I do."

  Sin stopped to sip her drink, then continued. "I came home from school one day, I always carpooled with our neighbor. My parents had candles lit all over the house, and were burning something that smelled rotten.

  "I went upstairs to my room, where they were waiting for me. 'Hey Sin, do you wanna help Mommy with something?' my mom asked me. 'How about helping Daddy too?' my dad asked. I loved my parents, so I said I would.

  "My dad came over and set me on the bed, while my mom pulled a book from behind her and started reading something in Latin, I don't remember any of it." I knew where it was going, and I stopped her. "Sin, don't. You don't have to."

  Sin shook her head and kept talking. "Mom read some long ass Latin chant while Dad raped me. I cried and screamed and begged him to stop. When he was done with me, they just left me there."

  "Sin, I'm so sorry..." I interrupted her. "Not done." Sin told me, and I could hear pain in her voice. "Time went by, they never did it again. They've hit me, been never that.

  "Since that day, I've ALWAYS been scared to trust someone, but when I was 15, I found this really amazing guy, and I felt like I really could trust him. We dated for about a month, before he told me that he had been cheating the entire time with several other girls.

  "He also said never liked me in the first place. I was crushed. Jealousy, she wasn't around much. She was doing coke, smoking weed, getting drunk all the time. But once that happened with the guy, she saw how much I needed someone, so she shaped up.

  "Last year, I was walking home from school, when this guy I knew asked me to come over and help him work on a song. I knew he was really into making music like I was, so I agreed to.

  "Can you guess where that wound up?" Sin asked me. I nodded sadly. She took a deep breath, then continued. "It wasn't even just him. It was three other guys as well. That day, I decided I was done letting people in. Jealousy is the only person I even talk to."

  Sin was crying now, and every tear that escaped her, she quickly wiped away. I took her hands and held them in mine, and she didn't protest. "Sin, I don't expect you to believe me, I know I wouldn't. But I will never hurt you. Ever. I promise you.

  "You are a beautiful, strong, amazing person, but no one in this stupid, fucked up world will let you see that, even you." She pulled her hands away then as she said, "I'm not beautiful, I'm not amazing. I'm a worthless piece of trash."

  I swore and told her she was wrong. She shook her head, not wanting to believe. "Sin, what's your last name?" I asked. "Gates." Sin Gates. Heh.

  "Sin Gates, I promise you that if you will let me, I will stay by your side each and every day and I will do my best to prove to you that you are so much more than you know."

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