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*Chris's POV*

  After Sin told me everything, I invited her to come back to my place to meet the guys. She seemed unsure, and kind of scared, but I assured her it would be okay.

  We each got in our car and she followed me back to the house, and parked behind me in the driveway. When we got out, she walked over to me and quietly said, "This house is fucking huge..."

*Sin's POV*

  Chris chuckled at me. "Yeah, it is, but hey, you need a house this big for five people!" Chris answered, leading me inside. "Chris? That you?" A voice shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah!" Chris yelled back.

  In walked Balz, who said, "You fucker, where the hell did you-" Balz stopped when he noticed me, "Hey, I'm Balz." He said with a smile.

   Chris introduced me, since I was too scared to do it myself. "Balz, this is Sin." Balz grinned at me, and eyed me up and down. "So YOU'RE Sin... Kickass name. I'll leave you two alone." Balz said with a wink, and was gone.

  "'So you're Sin?'" I repeated, facing Chris. He blushed as he told me, "I may have mentioned you once or twice to the guys..." I smirked, knowing full well it would have been more than that.

  "We should watch a movie." Chris suggested in an attempt to change the subject. I giggled and said okay. I sat on the couch as he scanned through movies, and a moment later heard yelling.





  In came Ricky and Ryan, followed by an angry Balz. "I tried dude I'm sorry." Balz apologized to Chris.

  "Oh my God you're fucking gorgeous!" Ryan exclaimed. I blushed and hid my face behind my hair as I thanked him, and Chris growled. "Don't fuckin scare her, you idiots." He spat.

  "Sorry," Ricky apologized, sitting next to me, "we're just really excited to meet you, Chris never shuts up about you." I raised one eyebrow. "Oh really?"

  "Get the fuck out." Chris told them. "Screw you!" Ryan shot back, sitting on my other side. I felt extremely awkward, and desperately wanted out of the situation.

  Ghost came in then. "What's going on?" He saw me then, and asked who I was. "This is Sin, the girl Chris told us about!" Ricky said happily. He smiled. "Nice to meet you." Ghost told me, then walked back out.

  "Anyone who wants to keep their teeth and testicles, I suggest you follow him." Chris threatened in a low voice. I threw my hands up as I joked, "But I don't have testicles!" Everyone but Chris laughed, and Ryan told me he likes my contacts. I had forgotten I was even wearing them.

  "Oh, thanks. I put them on earlier to scare a couple judgemental fuckheads." I told him, and Balz high-fived me. Chris sat there giving the guys all a death glare, till they got the message.

  "Alright, up and out guys." Ricky said, standing. Ryan and Balz followed suit, and they left. Chris sighed happily. "I'm really sorry about that." he told me. I shrugged. "I should've expected insanity." I said, making him laugh.

  "Ya got me there." Chris smiled at me. I knew he liked me, but I really didn't know how I felt about him. I mean, he's a good guy, but I wasn't sure if I had feelings for him. "So what should we watch?" Chris asked me.


"Beetlejuice!" Ghost yelled from the kitchen.

"Fuck off!" Chris shouted.

"Beetlejuice!" Ryan hollered.

"I'll fucking beat you!" Chris screamed.

"Beetlejuice!!!" I exclaimed, and heard cheering.

  Chris sighed and put in the DVD. He walked over to me, and I motioned for him to sit. "Do you want anything from the kitchen?" he asked. I told him I didn't, and he sat.

  Chris hit *PLAY* on the movie as Ghost walked in. "Is it okay if I watch with you guys?" Ghost asked. Chris shrugged and looked at me. "It's up to you." Chris smiled. "It's your house, do as you want." I told him, and Ghost laughed, then sat in a recliner about a yard from us.

  About halfway through the movie, I got a text from Jealousy.

Jealousy: u still @ Star$?

Sin: no, Chris's

Jealousy: doing?(-;

Sin: watching Beetlejuice

Jealousy: lame! X-P

  "What's lame?" Chris whispered, and I jumped. "Fuck... Sorry, you startled me. It's just Jealousy." He rolled his eyes and went back to watching the movie.

Sin: watevvs

Jealousy: did u meet the guyz?

Sin: yup

Jealousy: b str8 w/ me. how hot is Ricky?

Sin: stfu

Jealousy: hahahahaha very apparently

Sin: Chris is hotter. gtg being rude. ily

  By the time the movie was over, I felt oddly tired. "I should probably go." I told Chris, and he frowned. "Do you have to?" Chris asked me, and I explained I was really tired.

  Chris sighed. "Okay. It was really great seeing you, Sin." he said, standing with me. "Nice seeing you." I told him, and he asked for a hug. I thought, then said, "Maybe another time..." He nodded with understanding, then walked me to the door.

  I got in my car and drove home. When I walked in, I heard the smoke alarm. I rolled my eyes and hurried upstairs to my room, where I was being waited for by my parents.

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