Neur Anfang

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*Jealousy's POV*

Jealousy: T, I'm done, okay?

Tiger: When the fuck did I say you could leave?

Jealousy: You didn't. I did. I don't want to be with you anymore.

Tiger: Yeah, cuz you're ever going to find someone as good as me.

Jealousy: You mean someone as shitty.

  I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. I was glad to be rid of him. He never did treat me right. In fact, Ricky has been treating me better these last three weeks than T has.

  Sin and I have been living with the Motionless guys ever since we ran from our parents. They've all been really amazing. Ricky refuses to let me sleep anywhere other than his bed, he always takes the couch.

  Chris refuses to let Sin sleep anywhere other than HIS bed, and sleeps in the guest room.

  I'm fairly certain Ricky likes me, and I know I definitely like him. He's always so sweet and thoughtful, and funny and adorable. He and Sin walked in right after I hung up the phone.

  "Didja do it?" Ricky asked excitedly, sitting beside me on the bed. "Yes, I did." I smiled. Sin leaned against the wall with her arms folded and smiled with approval. "How long you gonna wait?" she asked Ricky.

  "Maybe a week or so." he answered. "Wait a week for what?" I asked. "You'll see!" she giggled, then walked out. "Tell me!" I whined at Ricky. He laughed and refused. I made a puppydog face and whimpered, and he covered his eyes.

  "NOOOOO!" He shrieked playfully. I laughed at him and put my head on his shoulder. "Pleeeeease tell me?" I asked quietly. "Nope." Ricky refused, staring into my eyes.

  He leaned closer to kiss me, and I tilted my head down. He immediately apologized, and I told him it was okay, it was just cuz I had literally just gotten out of a relationship. He smiled, and I moved his arm so it was around my waist.

*Chris's POV*

  Sin and her sister have been living with us for three weeks now, and in that time, I've just been falling harder and harder for Sin.

  She's just so perfect. Her eyes, hair, body, mind, heart, and soul. Her laugh, her smile, her voice, what she says, what she does. Everything about her is perfect.

  I was sitting downstairs with Balz, Ghost, and Ryan when she came back down, grinning largely. "What's up?" I asked her. "Jealousy dumped the fuckhead." Sin chirped, sitting beside me.

  I want to reach out and put my arm around her, or hold her hand, but I knew better. She's had it rough, and I don't wanna freak her out or make her uncomfortable.

  She and Jealousy still haven't told us what happened with their parents that day, and none of us have asked. We all know that neither them are the type of girl to ask for help if it wasn't beyond needed.

  "Chris? Earth to dumbass!" Ryan interrupted my thoughts. "Sorry, what?" He laughed. "You fuckin space case, me and Ghost wanna go grab takeout, do you want anything?" he offered.

"Depends on where you're going."

"Jack in the Box."

"Four tacos."

  Sin laughed as she said, "Who the hell needs four tacos?!" "Apparently Chris does." Balz replied bluntly. Sin rolled her eyes, a habit of hers. "Do you want anything?" Ghost asked.

  "Chicken sandwich?" Sin asked hopefully. He smiled, saying, "Will do. I'm gonna see if Ricky or Jealousy want anything." Ghost got up from his recliner and went upstairs, and Balz nabbed his spot.

  "What time is it?" Sin asked. I clicked my phone on to check, but Ryan answered first. "It's 3:35, why?" She groaned. "I'm so fucking tired... I'm gonna go take a nap till they get back with food." Sin got up and went upstairs as well, and I felt myself missing her already.

  "Aw, your girl left!" Balz teased, and I threw a remote at him. "Shut the fuck up!" I whined. He and Ryan laughed as Ghost came back, followed by Ricky. "Hey, I'm coming with you guys." Ricky told Ryan, who nodded. "Cool, let's bounce."

  The three of them left, leaving me and Balz alone. "So wanna watch a movie, play video games, what?" he asked, and I shrugged. "Movie? Requires less effort."

  Balz stood up and put in a random DVD, and a moment later the menu screen for The Lost Boys appeared on the TV. I grinned at it, and he hit *PLAY*. After about 20 minutes, I got a text.

Sin: hey Chris?

Chris: ya?

Sin: I cant sleep )-:

Chris: im srry

Sin: will u come up?

  I smiled at the text. "Hey Balz?" "Yeah man?" "Sin wants me to go upstairs with her, I guess she can't sleep." I told him, and he smirked. "You have fun!" Balz joked, and I went upstairs where Sin was laying in my bed.

  Sin moved the covers back immediately and rolled onto her side, facing me, then patted the bed. "Come lay with me." Sin pleaded, and I had a strange feeling it was a bad idea.

  I sighed. "How about I just sit with you?" Sin bit her lip and shook her head sadly, reminding me of a child who had just woken up from a nightmare. "I really want you to come lay with me..." she begged, and she looked seriously upset.

  I climbed into bed with her, and that was when I realized she didn't have a shirt on. I forced myself to relax and ignore it, but it didn't make things any easier that as soon as I laid down her, she curled up against me, head on my chest, arm around my torso.

  "Thank you..." Sin mumbled quietly. "Mhmm." Sin looked up at me. "Are you okay?" she asked. I told her I was, but she didn't believe me. "You can go..." she whispered sadly, pulling away.

  I wrapped a tattooed arm tightly around her waist to hold her in place. "I don't mind staying." I said, smiling down at her. She smiled back, and put her head on me again. She drifted off to sleep quickly.

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