Chapter 7

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Finally I can go back to work!! I was head to the guild when I notice two guys following me. So ran into an alley. "Boss wants you back." One of them said. "Like I'm going back with you two." I said. "Come on girly." then other one said. "White Dragon Roar!" I yelled.

After that I continued walking to Fairy Tail. I opened the door and sat down at a nearby table. "Hey." Gray said. I stood up and said, "Hi there Snowman." "Snowman. Really?" Gray said. "Well you call me shorty so I'm going to call you Snowman." I said smiling.

"Hey can I talk to you outside." Gray said. "Sure." I said. "He loves~ her" I heard Happy say. "Shut up stupid cat!" I heard Lucy say.

"So what do you want-" I started. Gray was hugging me. "Don't ever do that again!" Gray said as he cried. He's crying. "Ok I won't I promise." I said hugging him back. "Gray! (Y/N)! Erza wants you guys to come in. She picked a job for us." Happy said.

We walked into the guild and sat down were Team Natsu was at. "So Erza what do we have to do?" Lucy asked. "We have to get rid of a monster." Erza explained. "Cool! I bet I can take it myself." Natsu said. "You might be happy but I'm not. The Monsters always come for me!"Lucy said. "Yeah Lucy is right." Wendy agreed. "Don't worry you two. You got me there to protect you." Natsu said. "Don't listen to him. I'll be there fighting right beside you guys." I said.


"AHHH!!" Lucy yelled. "Watch out Lucy!" Natsu said. The monster's tail was heading straight for Lucy. "White Dragon Roar!" I yelled. "You ok Lucy?" I asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. "Why don't you call one of your friends!" Gray yelled. "Oh yeah." Lucy said. "Open Gate Of The Lion: Loki!" she yelled. "Hello there beautiful. What can I do for you today." Loki said. "Just beat up that monster!" Lucy yelled. And Loki listen.

Gray's P.O.V.

After we defeated the monster we decided to stay the night in a hotel. Everyone had to share with someone else. Wendy and Carla share one, Erza and Lucy, Natsu and Happy, and (Y/N) and I. We walked into the room. (Y/N) plopped down on her bed. "Man that monster was tough." She said.

"Well what should we do now?" I asked. "I don't know. But what is do know is that this hotel has a bar!" She said. Oh god.

We all went to the bar. We laughed, we smiled, and we got drunk. Well I didn't nor did Wendy. "Grayyyy~" (Y/N) said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Did I tell you that you look handsome *giggles*" (Y/N) said. "Let's get you to bed." I said grabbing her hand. After we got to our room she started to talk. "Gray come here." She said. I walked over to her. "What?" I asked. She pulled me on top of her. "Do you know how much I love you?" She asked. "No?" I said. She spread her arms out. "This much!" She said. She then kissed me. Damnit if only she wasn't drunk. "You should go to bed." I said. "Okay.." she said. I covered her up and turned off the lights. "Love you Gray." She said. I love you too shorty.

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