Chapter 12

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"Hey (Y/N) can you come with me and Gray to get some food." Lucy said. "You must get the Celestial wizard tomorrow." Owen said. "Sure!" I said happy. We walked through the town. We walked down this alley. Now!!

I grabbed Lucy. "(Y/N) What are you doing!!" Gray yelled. Abby, Carter, Owen, and Addison jumped out. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!" Gray yelled. Then Loki appeared. "(Y/N) long time no see." He said. "Loki" I said.

After a long fight. We took Lucy to a hide out. "Why are you doing this." Lucy said crying. "Because your mother killed the love of my life." I said. Lucy's eyes widened. "My mother would never do that." Lucy said raising her voice. "Nathaniel Reed, was his named." I said. "N-Nathaniel..." She said. "As in Nathaniel the Tiger?" Lucy asked. I nodded. "Nathaniel and I were lost Spirits. But then you mom found his key." I explained. "What celestial Spirit are you?" Lucy asked. "I am the dragon." I said. Her eyes widened.

"Good job (Y/N)." Owen said. "Thank you-" I said before I got shot. "Why Owen?" I asked between breaths. "All we need was Lucy not you. Go back to the Celestial world. Oh wait you can't. Hahaha" Gabby said. "Why can't she?" Lucy asked. "Because she killed her master." Addison said. They then took her away. I then ripped off some of my shirt and wrapped it around my stomach where I was shot. "No Lucy." I said.


"Guys I need your help." I said walking into Team Natsu's room. Erza pined me to the wall. "Where is Lucy?" She said in a dark voice. "They took her." I said. Erza punched the wall. "You're going to pay for this." Natsu said. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu chanted. But his attack went through me. "No not now....not like this." I said. "What are you?" Gray asked. "I'm a Celestial Spirit." I said. "What! Which one?" Natsu asked. "The dragon." I said.

"Guys we need to find Lucy." Erza said. They started to walk out when I said, "Can I come?" "Stay here we don't need anymore of you help." Gray said. "Wait if your a Celestial Spirit then is Sting one to?" Happy asked. "No. I'm not real his sister. Well not by blood." I said. Then the little blue cat walk away.

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