Chapter 14

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"NO! I WON'T LET YOU DIE!!" Gray yelled. I put one of my hands on his cheek. "Gray I love you." I said as more tears rolled down my face. "I WON'T LET YOU DIE (Y/N)!!" Lucy yelled. Loki looked at Lucy with his eyes widen. A bright yellow surrounded all of us.

"Lucy it's ok. Don't risk your life for mine." I said. Then everyone around us stopped. Loki's and I's eyes widen. He's here? "Hello old friend." The Celestial King said looking at me. "I see your time is up?" He said as I nodded. "OLD FRIEND IS STILL A FRIEND. AND THIS FRIEND IS ASKING FOR A SECOND CHANCE!!" Lucy yelled.

All of the Celestial Spirit appeared side by side of Lucy. "SHE KILLED HER MASTER BECAUSE HE USED HER TO KILL OTHER PEOPLE!" Lucy yelled. (This is just like what happened to Loki) After Lucy stopped yelling the Celestial King let me back to the Celestial World only if Lucy holds my key.

After a week in the Celestial World I came back to check up on the guild. I was in front of the guild when I was pulled to a tree. I looked up and saw Gray. "Hey Gray." I said. "I love you too." He said. He then pushed his lips on mine.

After 4 years of my life waiting to find the right person. He was here the whole time. After everything I've been through. All the pain I brought to others. It was all my foult, yet he still forgave me.

After our long kiss I went to find Lucy. "Thank you Lucy. For saving my life. Whenever you need help call me. I am the strongest out of all the zodiac. Other than the Celestial King." I said. "I will count on you." Lucy said.

Out of all my Master's. Lucy is my favorite. She's kind, nice, and overall a great friend. This is my story. (Y/N) Eucliffe the lost Spirit.

A/N - Thank you for reading my first xreader. This is the last chapter I'm sorry to say. But I will continue xreaders. I hope you enjoyed this story. The only reason I'm ending it here is because I had no idea what to write next. Anyways love you all.

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