Chapter 11

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"(Y/N)!" Natsu yelled. "(Y/N) please stay with me!" Gray yelled. (Y/N) lost a lot of blood. Wendy tried everything she could but it wasn't enough. (Y/N) was dying, and fast. Team Natsu was surrounding her. They were yelling her name. (Y/N) saw a bright white light. She was following it untill she heard Gray talk. "(Y/N) please don't die on me. Please I beg you. You can't die because I...I LOVE YOU (Y/N)!" Gray said crying.

(Y/N) opened her eyes. "I love you too Gray." She said. "Guys..." Wendy said wiping away her tears. "What?" Team Natsu said. "She's going to make it!" Wendy said crying tears of joy. Gray then kissed (Y/N). He couldn't loose her.

After (Y/N) was healed as much as she can, Team Natsu come in. "Hey guys." (Y/N) said. "They are going to pay" I heard Natsu say. Gray and the rest of Team Natsu nodded. "NO!" I yelled but instantly regretted it. "We have to they hurt you." Lucy said. "You can't. Their to strong." I said. "They hurt a Fairy Tail member and they will pay the consequence." Erza said. "YOU CAN'T!" (Y/N) yelled. Everyone went silent. "LOOK AT ME!" She yelled once more.

After Team Natsu left (Y/N) got out of bed and went to the window. "We're are you guys...I can't keep playing the good guy." She said to herself. "We're here don't worry." Abby said. "So do you have the Celestial wizard?" Carter asked. "Yes she's right where I want her." (Y/N) said. "You'll get you chance to beat her." Owen said. "No I don't just want to beat her. No I want to kill her." (Y/N) said with a smirk.


Happy: ooh~ (Y/N) is working with the four assassins?

Lucy: and they want to kill me!!

Natsu: I'm all fired up for the next chapter!!

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